
The students have some problems ________ this work.

A. finish                B. finished

C. finishing                D. will finish




have解时,接情感名词作宾语后,再接“in doing sth.” in 可省略。即“have difficulty/trouble/fun/a hard time/a good time(in) doing sth.”


We ________ three films so far this year and this is the best film that we ________ in the past three years.

A. saw; had ever seen

B. have seen; have never seen

C. will see; had ever seen

D. have seen; have ever seen




so far意为迄今为止,句子谓语要用现在完成时; in the past three years意为在过去的三年里,表示的是一段时间,句中谓语也需用完成时, have ever seen表示曾经看过的


Don't ________ what he says. ________ yourself, and you can do it very well.

A. believe in; Believe                B. believe; Believe in

C. believe in; Believe in               D. believe; Believe




believe意为相信某人(所说的话)” believe in意为信任;信仰


Have you considered ________ him for help?

A. ask                   B. asking

C. to ask                D. asked




consider后面接动词时,应接动名词形式,即consider doing sth.,表示考虑做某事


________ you follow the main street, you'll not be lost.

A. As long as                B. As far as

C. As fast as                    D. As longer as




as...as结构中,只能用形容词或副词的原形,可排除D项; as long as意为……一样长;只要 as far as意为远到……;就……来说 as fast as意为……一样快。根据句意应选A项引导条件状语从句。


We'd better take more money ________.

A. in the case                B. in some cases

C. in case                    D. in case of




句意:我们最好多带些钱,以备不时之需(以防万一)in the case“……情况下,后面要接同位语从句; in some cases“在某些情况中 in case of后需接名词、代词,表示以防……;万一有……的情况


It is convenient to live near downtown.________, it is full of noise and dirty air.

A. Because                     B. Therefore

C. Meanwhile                D. On the other hand






She instantly ________ the class after Mr. Jackson retired.

A. took charge of                   B. in charge of

C. in the charge of                D. had the charge of




take/have charge of“接管;控制in charge of表示状态在负责in the charge of“……负责BC两项都是短语介词,由题意知需要的是动词短语作谓语。


John studied hard before the examination, and it ________. He made an A.

A. paid for                B. paid back

C. paid off                D. was paid off




pay for“……的钱pay back“偿还;还钱pay off“有回报;取得成功,付出的努力作主语。


He is sleeping in a big case ________ in bed.

A. rather than                B. instead

C. more                       D. as well




句意:他睡在大箱子里,而不是睡在床上。该句也可以用instead of表示。


They sheltered ________  their umbrellas.

A. near                B. beneath

C. with                D. by







One day a wise man came to a happy farmer and told him about the glory of diamonds and the power that goes along them. The wise man says, “__36__you had a diamond the size of your fist, you could probably  __37__  your own country.” And then he __38__ away. That night the farmer couldn't __39__. He was unhappy and he was discontent (不满足). He was unhappy  __40__  he was discontent, and he was __41__  because he was unhappy.

The next morning he decided to __42__  off his farm in order to support his family and went in  __43__ of diamonds. He looked all over Africa and couldn't  __44__ any. He looked all through Europe and couldn't find  __45__. When he got to Spain, he was so  __46__   and so poor. He got so sad that he  __47__   himself into the Barcelona River and killed himself in the river.

Back home, the person who had   __48__  his farm was watering the camels at a stream on the  __49__. Across the stream, the rays of the morning sun  __50__  a stone and made it shine like a rainbow. He thought it would look  __51__  on the mantelpiece (壁炉台). He  __52__  up the stone and put it in the living room.

That afternoon the wise man came and saw the stone  __53__. The wise man asked the new owner of the farm  __54__  he had got the diamond. The farmer said that he thought it was only an ordinary stone, not a  __55__. Again he told the wise man that there were many such stones in the river. Thus they went out and found that the farm was indeed covered with miles and miles of diamonds.

36.A. If     B. While     C. Since                D. Where

37.A. buy   B. take     C. own      D. make

38.A. ran   B. went     C. flew      D. left

39.A. walk   B. speak    C. think                    D. sleep

40.A. because    B. for    C. since                 D. as

41.A. sorry      B. discontent     C. worried                   D. afraid

42.A. put                     B. take     C. sell                       D. give

43.A. look       B. help     C. plan                      D. search

44.A. buy       B. find     C. make                     D. gain

45.A. some      B. everything     C. anything                  D. any

46.A. excited     B. interested     C. tired                    D. lonely

47.A. threw      B. put     C. made                     D. turned

48.A. sold       B. bought     C. stole                      D. taken

49.A. farm                   B. boat     C. playground                 D. river

50.A. attacked   B. struck     C. hit                      D. burned

51.A. good     B. ugly    C. stupid                     D. expensive

52.A. gave      B. picked    C. showed                    D. used

53.A. changing   B. shining    C. moving                    D. flying

54.A. how       B. when    C. where                     D. which

55.A. coin       B. earth    C. dress                      D. diamond



36A  37C  38B  39D  40A

41B  42C  43D  44B  45D

46C  47A  48B  49A  50C

51A  52B  53B  54C  55D

36A if在这里表示一个条件。

37C 这位智者说假如你有拳头大小的钻石,你就可能拥有自己的国家。” own在这里用作动词,意为拥有

38B go away表示离开。这位智者说完话就走了。

39D 根据上下文,我们可以看出,这位智者的话对这位原本非常满足的农夫产生了很大的影响。从后面农夫的一系列行为可以看出,这天晚上农夫经历了一场激烈的思想斗争。因此,他不可能睡得好。

40A 农夫之所以不高兴,就是因为他不满足。

41B 农夫的不高兴和不满足互为因果关系。

42C 根据后文,我们知道,这个农场易主了。可以推出,农夫决定将自己的农场卖掉。

43D in search of“寻找,是一个固定短语。

44B 这位农夫到处寻找钻石都找不到。

45D 由前句可得出答案。

46C 经过长途跋涉,这位农夫不但身无分文,而且还没有找到所要寻找的东西。因此,他在心理上和生理上都会觉得非常累。

47A 根据上下文,农夫投江也就顺理成章了。

48B 农夫将自己的农场卖了,新的主人就是买主了。

49A 根据下文,我们知道,这位新的农场主在河里给自己的骆驼洗澡的时候,在河里无意中发现了一块钻石。从后文我们可以判断出这条河流就在农夫的农场里。

50C hit在这里指的是阳光照射在这块钻石上。

51A look good“显得漂亮ugly“难看的;丑陋的

52B pick up“捡起。根据上下文我们知道,这位新农场主将拾到的钻石放在家中的壁炉台上。

53B 农夫之所以会发现这颗钻石主要是因为它闪闪发光。所以这里应是智者看到石头闪闪发光。

54C 当这位智者看到壁炉台上的那颗钻石的时候,自然会问新农场主是在什么地方找到的。

55D 从上下文可以知道,新农场主根本不认识钻石,认为它只不过是一块普通的石头而已。




I started to work in the operating room after nursing school was completed. I was so excited about my new job that I would alternate  between being very tired and not being able to sleep properly. Like many jobs, the newness and excitement wore off and I found myself in drudgery (繁重乏味的工作).

One night I was feeling very tired, since I hadn't slept well the night before. I didn't like the doctor in charge, my feet hurt, it was very late, and I was “doing eyes”. Every nurse has a favorite(and least favorite) task. My least favorite was eyes —— I thought it was always either boring or unpleasant.

My patient was an old man who was there to have his cataract (白内障) removed. As the operation neared a close, I started to take the operating cloth off, and put drops in the patient's eyes. We made eye contact and I stumbled (发愣) slightly when he said, “I can see!!! You are beautiful.”

I realized then what a big deal this all was to the patient and how truly thankful he was.I HELPED HIM SEE! I said something to him about how he must still be feeling the effects of the medicine. But he said again, “No, you really are beautiful.”

I realized at that moment that no matter how I was feeling, it was what I was doing that was important.

56.After graduation, as the first job the writer was ________.

A. a doctor                       B. a nurse 

C. an operator                    D. a teacher

57.According to the second paragraph, we can learn ________.

A. the new job is very pleasant

B. the writer likes the new job very much

C. the writer is not excited about the job any more

D. the writer doesn't want to work with the doctor any more

58. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Seeing what's important.  

B. Working in the operation room.

C. My job was boring and unpleasant.

D. My least favorite was eyes.

59. When the patient said “I can see!You are beautiful.” he wanted to express that ________.

A. the operation was successful

B. the author had a beautiful face

C. he was very thankful to the author

D. he liked the author very much



56.B  57.C  58.A  59.C

56.B 细节理解题。由第一段第一句话可知:作者护理学校毕业后开始在手术室工作,护理学校毕业后是护士而不是治病救人的医生。

57.C 推理判断题。作者的工作新鲜感过去后,感到又累又心烦。

58.A 主旨大意题。最后一段点明了文章的主旨:不管你心情如何,重要的是明白你的工作对别人来说是多么重要。

59.C 推理判断题。根据全文大意,病人是想通过赞美护士的方式来表达他的谢意。




Should we stay friends after breaking up a relationship? That's a difficult question to answer. It's easy to say that “Let's be friends”, but is it really possible?

Well, different people have different opinions but from my experience I can tell you that friendship with your former friend is quite possible. However, if you have been in a bad relationship, then it is better to look forward and forget your past.But if you have had a friendly break­up and you still want to be in contact with your former friend then you can follow these steps to build up a future relationship.

Give yourself time to heal

After a break­up it is very important that you give yourself a cooling­off period. After a break­up it is very natural to feel sad.So you need time to pull yourself together.

Try to understand your feelings

If your relationship breaks up and you think that it will be best that you don't keep any contacts with your former friend, it's fine to move ahead. If your former friend wants to keep contact with you, make it very clear to him what you want.But if you think that what has happened doesn't matter for one another, then you can consider starting a fresh relationship with him. So you have to think about what you want and then take the initiative (主动权).

Break the ice

Once you have made up your mind, start developing the new friendship.Call him and ask how that big work went or some other questions about the other person's life. Be honest and interested but please don't overdo it. Have an easy conversation and close by saying that you enjoy talking again, and hope that you can do it again soon. As time goes by, you can continue to work on this part to a point where you might ask him to join you and a group of friends for a night out or to a party with mutual (共同的) friends, if that's okay with him.

60.If your former friend wants to keep contact with you after a break­up, you should  ________.

A. think about what you want and tell him clearly

B. never keep any contacts with him and move ahead

C. start a fresh relationship with him soon

D. ask him what he wants and never take the initiative

61. If you want to break the ice between you and your former friend, what should you do?

A. Tell a white lie to your former friend.

B. Call him and tell him he is wrong.

C. Point out what wrong you have done to him.

D. End an easy conversation by saying you enjoyed talking again.

62.The underlined word “overdo” in the last paragraph means ________.

A. do sth. wrong                  B. do harm to

C. do sth. too much                     D. do sth. too little

63. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. How to Build up a Future Relationship with Your Former Friend

B. How to Break the Ice

C. How to Make new Friends

D. How to Break up a Relationship



60.A  61.D  62.C  63.A

60.A 细节理解题。由第四段的第二句内容可得出答案。

61.D 细节理解题。由第五段内容可知,如果你决定和以前的朋友重新开始,可以给他打电话进行轻松友好的交谈,结束时请说同你通话我真的非常高兴

62.C 词义猜测题。同以前的朋友交谈时,态度要诚恳,对谈话要表现得很感兴趣,但要注意表现不要过度。前缀over与许多名词、动词、形容词和副词连用,意思是过度,过多

63.A 主旨大意题。第二段的最后一句“these steps to build up a future relationship”点明了文章的主旨。



Keep in mind that pets can suffer from heatstroke (中暑) when left in a small and closed space or at least two open windows are necessary for fresh air. Park in the shade. Consider a solar powered  fan.

Be sure that you have provided at least one bowl of water for your pet to drink and, if you're going to be out for a long period, add one or two more, just in case.

Be sure to always clean up after your pet if we want to feel that our pets are welcome. Treat the areas where you walk as if it were your own yard.

On a plane, freeze water so that it will not fall out, but will melt  by the time your pet is thirsty.

Stop pets from pushing open the door and jumping against seats and people.

At the hotel you are staying at, request a room at the end of the hall and away from humans' areas. The quieter the room, the fewer barks to worry about.

Be sure to carry a copy of your pet's health certificate and their food and toys!

Do not let your dog put his head out of a moving vehicle, this can lead to eye injuries.

64. Why must we clean up after our pets if we want them to be welcome?

A. Because people always like our pets. 

B. Because our pets aren't welcome at all.

C. Because our pet sometimes produces wastes.

D. Because pets enjoy clean places.

65.A pet is in danger when ________.

A. it is out for a long period

B. it is walking in others' yards

C. it is jumping against people

D. someone puts its head out of a running car

66.We can learn from the text that ________.

A. a pet can travel for a long time without drinking any water

B. a pet may disturb people while staying at the hotel

C. there is no need to carry pet's certificate during pets travel

D. we'd better carry some water for pets to drink on a plane

67. Which ISN'T mentioned in the text?

A. Pets can spread diseases during travel.

B. Pets may attack humans during travel.

C. Pets' health certificate is important when they are carried traveling.

D. Pets are sometimes easy to get injured when traveling.



64.C  65.D  66.B  67.A

64.C 推理判断题。根据生活常识可知,宠物沿途都要排泄粪便,令人反感。

65.D 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段可知宠物在运动的车辆上探出头去,可能对眼睛造成伤害。

66.B 推理判断题。根据第六段可知,住旅馆时,狗的房间应远离人的房间,这样主人就不必担心狗叫会打扰别人。

67.A 细节理解题。BCD三项分别在文章第五、七、八段提到。故均应排除。



If you are planning on traveling, there are a few simple rules about how to make life easier both before and after your journey.

First of all, always check and double­check departure (出发) time. It is amazing how few people really do this carefully. Once I arrived at the airport a few minutes after ten. My secretary had got the ticket for me and I thought she had said that the plane left at 10:50.When I arrived at the airport, the clerk at the departure desk told me that my flight was closed. Therefore, I had to wait three hours for the next one and missed an important meeting.

The second rule is to remember that even in this age of credit cards, it is still important to have at least a little of the local currency with you when you arrive in a country.This can be necessary if you are flying to a place few tourists normally visit. A few years ago I was sent to Tulsa, Oklahoma. I flew there from London via (经由) Dallas, with very little time to change planes in between. I arrived there at midnight and the bank at the airport was closed.The only way to get to my hotel was by taxi but because I had no dollars, I offered to pay in pounds instead.

“Listen! I only take real money!” the driver said angrily. Luckily I was able to borrow a few dollars from a clerk at the hotel, but it was very embarrassing.

The third and last rule is to find out as much as you can about the weather at your destination before you leave. I feel sorry for some of my workmates who travel in heavy suits and raincoats in May, when it is still fairly cool in London or Manchester, to places like Athens, Rome or Madrid, where it is already beginning to get quite warm during the day.

68.According to the passage, it's obvious that ________.

A. the author learns some rules of traveling from his own experience

B. the author doesn't plan his trips or journeys carefully

C. Englishmen like to wear heavy suits wherever they travel

D. the American taxi driver never travels to England

69. What should you make sure first before setting off?

A. When you will leave.                     B. Where you will go.

C. How you will travel.                  D. Whom you will go with.

70.What does the underlined word “there” in Para. 3 refer to?

A. London.                       B. Manchester. 

C. Tulsa.                         D. Dallas.

71.How many rules about traveling does the author talk about in the passage?

A. Two.                          B. Three. 

C. Four.                          D. Five.



68.A  69.A  70.C  71.B

68.A 推理判断题。作者通过自身的经历,总结出了几条宝贵的旅行时要遵守的原则。

69.A 细节理解题。由第二段可知:出发前务必一再核实出发时间,以免误事。

70.C 细节推断题。在这里there只能指代上文中的Tulsa,其他的意思逻辑不通。

71.B 推理判断题。由first of all, the second rule, the third and last rule可得出作者共谈到了三条原则。



What is success? Different people hold different views on this question. Some people think that one is successful if he can make a great deal of money. Others argue that success means holding an important government post. Still others believe that whoever has got high academic title is successful. It is clear that there are quite different opinions on success.

In order to become successful, you should first of all be both perseverant and hardworking. As you know, whatever you do, there are always two possible results: success and failure. When you fail, you should never lose heart. On the contrary, you must build up your confidence and work even harder. You should always keep in mind that perseverance is the mother of success and industry is the key to it. In addition, you should pay great attention to your work method. It is necessary for you to sum up your experience constantly and improve the efficiency of your work. Finally, it is important for you to get along well with your co­workers, care for each other and help each other. If you follow these principles, you will certainly achieve remarkable success in the future.

In my opinion, success means achieving brilliant  results in one's work, that is, making outstanding contributions to the development of the country and bringing happiness to the people. So my conclusion  is that even if one has made great progress in what he does, I don't think there's any reason for him to be conceited (自负的).

72.The first paragraph mainly wants to tell us that ________.

A. people have different opinions on success

B. success means you can make a lot of money

C. success means holding an important government post

D. it's very hard for anyone to win success

73.The underlined word “industry” in the second paragraph can be replaced by ________.

A. success                B. failure

C. hard work                     D. confidence

74.In order to succeed, you had better NOT ________.

A. be both perseverant and hardworking

B. lose heart even if you fail

C. do what you can

D. get along well with your co­workers

75. The writer of the passage thinks that ________.

A. success means making contributions to the country and bringing happiness to the people

B. everyone can succeed in the future

C. whoever has achieved brilliant results in one's work can be proud of himself

D. success means making great progress in what he does



72.A  73.C  74.B  75.A

72.A 主旨大意题。第一段的第一句和最后一句都点明了段落的主旨是:对于成功,不同的人看法不同。

73.C 词义猜测题。由第二段的主题句即首句可知,这里的industry应该与hardworking同义。

74.B 细节理解题。一定要看准题干中的had better not。为了成功,你最好永不灰心,即使遭遇失败。

75.A 细节理解题。由最后一段内容可知A项为正确答案。






In many countries the standard of living enjoyed by their people increased rapidly in recent years. Sadly, not everyone in these countries is fortunate and many people in rich countries are homeless.

The reasons for homelessness are various, but poverty is undoubtedly one of the main causes. The homeless people may become jobless, then unable to pay their rent and so no longer have a roof over their heads. Often, the fact that unemployed people get help from the government prevents this from happening, but not always.

Some homeless people are mentally ill and have no one to look after them. Some are young people who, for one reason or another, have left home and have nowhere to live. Many of them have had a serious disagreement with their parents, choosing to go to a city and live on the streets. Sometimes they have taken such action because they have been unable to get on with a step parent.

Many homeless people get into the habit of begging to get enough money to stay alive, but many of the general public refuse to give anything to beggars. Often they are moved on by the police, being accused, whether rightly or wrongly, of forceful begging. There are many who disrespect homeless people.

Some cynics (愤世嫉俗的人) declare that homeless people choose to live the life which they lead. But who would willingly choose to live in a shop doorway, under a bridge or in a cardboard box?


The homeless

The reasons for

homelessness are


We can definitely say that  77 is one

of the main reasons for homelessness.

Often, some homeless people are

mentally 78 and nobody is willing

to take  79  of them.

also, a severe  80 with their parents

may lead young people to be homeless.

Lastly, in order to get out of their step

parents, young people have taken such



People's  76   towards

the homeless

Most of people in the society 82 to

give anything to beggars.


Sometimes, the   83 accuse them of

forceful begging.


There still exist a lot of people who

84 homeless people.

Some even   85 that homeless people

choose to live the life which they lead.




76. attitudes 77. poverty 78. ill 79. care 80. disagreement

81. action 82. refuse 83. police 84. disrespect 85. declare







5.请回复E­mail: lihua @sina. com.。






Dear Mr. Brown,




Yours truly,

Li Hua




I've learned from China Daily that some clerks are wanted in your company. I'm eager to be one of them. So I'm writing this letter. Now I'd like to introduce myself to you. My name is Li Hua. I'm 22 years old. I was born in Hubei Province and I am in good health. I've graduated from the Computer Department of Wuhan University. I've done very well in all subjects and I'm especially good at computer studies and English. And in my spare time, I like to play basketball very much.

If you are interested in my application, please write to me. My E­mail address is lihua @sina.com. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.

With best wishes.

