
Thinking of the scenes________the people were killed by the Japanese invaders, the old man was full of anger.

A. where  B. when

C. why                   D. which




此题考查考生对定语从句中关系词的运用能力。根据先行词the scenes(发生事件的现场、地点、场面)和关系词在从句中充当的成分,应用关系副词where


— I want to know whether we will go hiking today or tomorrow.

— Does that make any________?

A. change                B. importance

C. value                D. difference




此题考查考生对语意的理解和词语搭配的掌握情况。importancevalue不能与make搭配构成短语, make a change意为作出改变,作出修改 make a/no/some difference意为(或没有或有些)关系、影响、作用


A new plan has been put forward________more and more students shall be allowed to use the School E­library.

A. so that                B. in order that

C. as                D. that






Young adults________older ones are more likely to prefer poetic songs and become enthusiastic sports fans.

A. other than                B. more than

C. less than                    D. rather than






He________all the valuable things in the room and found his watch gone.

A. examined                B. tested

C. checked                    D. inspected






The doctor strongly recommended that he________a holiday.

A. take                       B. took

C. would take                D. takes






He has never considered________a living by playing ________violin.

A. making; a                  B. making; the

C. to make; the                D. to make; /




句意:他从未想过靠拉小提琴谋生。表达考虑做某事应用句型consider doing sth.,不能用不定式作宾语。弹、拉乐器前要加定冠词the


Don't ________him too much________breaking the glass; he is only a child.

A. scold; for                B. praise; for

C. scold; to                D. praise; with




句意:不要太责骂他打碎了玻璃杯;他只不过是个孩子。scold sb. for sth. “因某事而责骂某人praise sb. for sth. “因某事而赞扬某人


Just as I was leaving the house, it________to me that I had forgotten my keys.

A. happened                B. occurred

C. took place               D. reminded




此题考查句型It occurred to sb. that “突然发现


On the one hand, it is an exciting job to work in the underwater world, but ________it is dangerous.

A. by hand                B. on the other side

C. the other                D. on the other hand




句意:一方面,在海底的工作是令人激动的,但是另一方面,那是有危险的。只有on the other hand “另一方面符合句意,且与on the one hand 照应。其他短语为: by hand “用手工 on the other side “在对面the other “(两者中的)另一个,不符合语境。


________the bad weather, the match was cancelled, we could stay home to have a rest.

A. Because                B. As

C. For                    D. Thanks to




Thanks to “幸亏;由于,后接名词或名词性短语。其他三个选项后接句子。


She was ________when the handsome film­star kissed her, which was really________!

A. thrilled; thrilled                B. thrilling; thrilling

C. thrilled; thrilling                D. thrilling; thrilled




句意:当那位英俊的电影明星吻她的时候,她欣喜若狂,那真的太令人兴奋了。thrilled “兴奋的;激动的,常修饰人; thrilling“让人兴奋的;让人激动的,常修饰物。


I________early and take an hour's walk before breakfast.

A. used to get up                  B. was used to get up

C. used to getting up                D. used to be getting up




句意:我过去常常起床很早并且在早餐前散步一小时。used to do “过去常常be used to do “被用来做……”,无used to doing句型。




It is natural for young people to feel uncomfortable when they are with their parents. They say that their parents don't __36__   them. They often think that their parents are out of __37__  with modern ways, and that they are too  __38__   and too strict with their children.

It is true that parents  __39__   find it difficult to  __40__   their children's trust. Sometimes they forget how they __41__   when they were young. For example,   __42__ people like to do things  __43__  without thinking much, but old people   __44__   more. Most of them plan things   __45__.

Young people often make their parents __46__    by their choices in clothes, entertainment, __47__ music. They do not  __48__   to cause any trouble. They just want to make a new   __49__   of their own.

Think about yourself. Sometimes you are  __50__  proud of yourself that you do not want your parents to say “yes” to what you do, right? All you want is to be left  __51__ and do what you like.

If you prefer to  __52__   your life, you'd better win the   __53__   and respect of your parents and try to get them to understand you. If your parents see that you are very   __54__ they will certainly give you the __55__  to do what you want to do.

36. A. understand                      B. believe        C. trust                          D. help

37. A. control                         B. touch         C. reach                         D. range

38. A. serious                         B. kind          C. helpful                        D. terrible

39. A. generally                      B. usually        C. seldom                        D. often

40. A. get                            B. achieve        C. obtain                         D. win

41. A. acted                          B. behaved       C. felt                           D. thought

42. A. old                            B. lazy          C. young                         D. clever

43. A. carefully                        B. easily         C. slowly                        D. quickly

44. A. worry                          B. think          C. hope                          D. expect

45. A. in detail                        B. in advance     C. in fact                         D. in ahead

46. A. happy                          B. glad           C. surprise                        D. angry

47. A. or                             B. and           C. as well                        D. in stead of

48. A. try                             B. need          C. mean                         D. manage

49. A. culture                         B. fashion        C. plan                          D. habit

50. A. such                           B. so            C. very                          D. too

51. A. lonely                          B. aside          C. alone                         D. single

52. A. control                         B. hold          C. deal                         D. imagine

53. A. care                           B. trust          C. belief                         D. attention

54. A. wise                           B. careful        C. responsible                    D. cautious

55. A. time                          B. money        C. chance                        D. right



36A 这里的意思是年轻人认为他们的父母不理解他们,所以用“understand”

37B out of touch意为不接触,这里的意思是年轻人觉得他们的父母没有接触过现代的生活方式。

38A 通过后面的strict可知道这里是serious,意为严厉;严格

39D 父母经常发现要得到孩子的信任很困难,用often

40D win one's trust意为赢得某人的信任

41C 有时他们会忘记他们年轻时候自己的感觉,用feel

42C 从后面分句的but old people可知这里应该说的是年轻人。

43D 年轻人做事快而不加思考,用quickly

44A 和前面的年轻人不加思考相对,老人喜欢担心过多,用worry

45B 大部分老人要提前做好计划,用in advance表示提前

46D 年轻人会因为自己的选择而让父母生气,用angry

47B 这里应该是并列关系,用and

48C 他们并不是故意想引起麻烦, mean to do表示打算做什么

49A 年轻人只是想创造属于他们自己的文化,用culture

50B 与后面的that构成固定搭配。

51C left sb. alone意为不要管某人

52A 这里指控制自己的生活方式,用control

53B 这里的意思是赢得父母的理解和尊重。

54C 如果父母看到你是一个有责任感的人,他们会给你想做什么就做什么的权利。用responsible有责任感的

55D 见上题解释。


We all have our favorite teachers — those who seem truly interesting and treat us as intelligent beings. But what about teachers who we don't know well or even don't like much?

Before you try to get out of a class to escape a teacher you don't like, here are a few things you can try to make a difficult relationship work.

Meet with the teacher and try to communicate what you're feeling. Tell him or her what's on your mind, using statements such as, “It embarrasses me in class when I feel like my intelligence is being put_down” or “I can't learn in class when I feel only a few people ever get called on to participate”. See if you can work it out between the two of you.

Ask yourself, “What can I learn from this teacher?” Even if you don't like him or her, dig deep until you find a subject in which he or she is very knowledgeable. Focus on that part of the teacher's personality. Not only will you gain more knowledge in that subject, but you will also get a closer relationship with your teacher which may help you understand one another better.

Talk to students who are doing well in the class and ask them for tips and a plan of action to get along with the teacher better. Sometimes having a second set of notes can be helpful, so asking a classmate who is willing to share them with you is a great idea.

If your problems with your teacher can't be solved in school, then it's time to tell your parents. They should meet with your teacher and try to work it out.

However, if a teacher has done or said anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, immediately report his or her actions to your parents, another teacher, the school principal, or an administrator.

Teachers are there for more than just schoolwork, and they know about more than just their subject matter. They can help you learn how to function as an adult and a lifelong learner. Undoubtedly, there will be a few teachers along the way who you will always remember — and who might change your life forever.

56. The writer writes the passage in order to ________.

A. help us understand the teacher better

B. help us solve some possible problems with teachers

C. explain the conflict between the students and teachers

D. help us learn how to function as a lifelong learner

57.If you want to better the relationship with the teacher, you can do the following EXCEPT________.

A. go to talk with him or her    

B. turn to your parents for help

C. tell another teacher the problem 

D. report him or her to the school principal

58.What is the meaning of the underlined phrase in the third paragraph?

A. 写下                      B. 放下       

C. 贬低         D. 拒绝

59.From the passage, what kind of teachers are liked by the students?

A. Those who are strict with the students and love them. 

B.  Those who always call on few students to participate. 

C. Those who always think students as intelligent students.

D. Those who can share students' feelings.



56.B  57.D  58.C  59.C

56.B 主旨大意题。文中的第二自然段有全文的主题句。

57.D 细节理解题。从文章倒数第二段可以看出答案。

58.C 词义猜测题。从上文看,本句意思是当我觉得我的智商被你贬低的时候,我感觉很不舒服

59.C 推理判断题。从文章的第一句话可以得出答案。



I was born and raised in France into this way of life: French women don't get fat. There is a very good reason for that. Among the French middle and professional classes, it is totally unacceptable for a woman to be fat. Little girls, from a very young age, learn not to eat too much. It is mainly a class thing. When I read that “French women love to shop and prepare food”, I laugh. Many of us who work and have a family would rather put our feet up with a good book. To describe France as the country of slender women is a lie. A quick trip to Calais or any town of the industrial north is guaranteed to be an eye­opener.

Yes, at 44, I am still amazingly slim. This is hardly surprising; apart from the time when I was pregnant, I think I have been underweight for most of my life. There is no glory in this, since the truth must be said: I eat very little, not out of force, but mostly out of habit.

Yes, I shop and cook like a traditional Frenchwoman, but I don't think this is something you can easily pass on to British women. I tend to go to local shops every day and this is not something people are used to doing here, mainly because it takes a lot of time I can afford to do so, since I work only on a part­time basis.

Of course, I still enjoy a good meal at a (French) restaurant, and I will have a glass of wine at dinner, but only one glass, since drinking other than with food is a social taboo for women in France. To be seen drunk for a woman is a social embarrassment from which she is not likely to recover.

Dear British friends, do not believe that patronizing (要人领情的) myth about French women. The thing is that many of us French women are probably unaware of how little we eat, simply because it has become second nature.

60.The author's main purpose in writing the passage is to________.

A. respond an article about French women

B. comment an article about French women

C. correct the opinion of an article about French women

D. criticize the writer of an article about French women

61.Which of the following statements is NOT correct?

A. It's totally acceptable for a French woman to keep slender.

B. Most of French women in the industrial north are actually fat.

C. Most of French women are forced not eat too much for figure.

D. French woman will feel embarrassed when seen to drink in public.

62.Why does the writer go to local shops everyday?

A. She wants to support the British opinions.

B. She is a traditional French woman.

C. She needs something to cook every day.

D. She wants to send away her spare time.

63.Why did the writer mention the fact that “French women don't get fat”?

A. To point out a fact.   

B. To give an argumentative topic.

C. To support her opinion.    

D. To tell her own experience.

64.What's the conclusion of the writer in this passage?

A. French women love to shop and prepare food.

B. French women don't get fat because they eat less from a very young age.

C. French women aren't used to going shopping, not to speak of preparing food.

D. French women spend much less time to shop and prepare food than British women.



60.A  61.C  62.D  63.C  64.C

60.A 主旨大意题。从第一段的信息“When I read that ‘French women love to shop and prepare food’I laugh.”以及下文中作者的观点可以看出。此篇文章是对这作者所读到的一篇文章的回应。

61.C 细节理解题。第二段的“not out of force, but mostly out of habit”指明C(受迫而为之)不对。

62.D 推理判断题。答案出自第三段最后一句信息“I can afford to do so, since I work only on a part­time basis”

63.C 作者在第一段就表明对法国妇女酷爱逛商店和烹饪的评论觉得好笑,说明作者不承认这种观点。作为支持的论据,她提出:“French women don't get fat”(法国的妇女们并没有发胖)

64.C 主旨大意题。根据全文意思进行选择。




Festivals in India

January 15 Makara Sankranthi

Certain Hindu festivals are connected with the changes of seasons each year. Pongal or Sankranthi in the South, is celebrated to mark the end of the southeast monsoons (季风季节) as well as the beginning of the harvest. It is the biggest harvest festival, spread over 3 days. Pongal is the sign of a sweet preparation made from rice. Each of the three days is marked by different festivities ...

April 7 Ugadi

Ugadi means the beginning of the New Year, new month and new day. It also marks a beginning of new life with plants getting new life, shoots and leaves. People eat Bevu and Bella. The inside of it means that life is a mixture of good and bad, joy and sorrow, success and disappointment, and all of them have to be treated alike. Ugadi marks the beginning of a new Hindu lunar calendar (农历) with a change in the moon's orbit. This festival is celebrated.

September 12 Onam

Onam, the most important festival for Malayalees, falls in the harvest season. This ten — day harvest festival is celebrated with visit to temples, family get togethers, gifting each other clothes called Ona­kkodi.

October 29 Deepavali

Diwali, or Deepavali, is an important Indian holiday, and an important festival in Hinduism, Sikhism and Jainism. Many legends(传说) are about Diwali. Today it is celebrated by Hindus, Jains and Sikhs across the world as the “Festival of Light,” where the lights or lamps mean victory of good over the evil(邪恶) within every human being.

65.Which of the following festivals is to celebrate the harvest?

A. Makara Sankranthi and Ugadi.

B. Ugadi and Onam.

C. Onam and Deepavali.

D. Makara Sankranthi and Onam.

66.What is popular with the Indians on April 7?

A. The rice.                            B. The lights or lamps.

C. The gifts.                            D. Bevu and Bella.

67.Which of the following festivals is to celebrate the change of a season?

A. Makara Sankranthi.                 B. Ugadi.

C. Onam.                            D. Deepavali.

68.According to the text, we know that________.

A. Ugadi means the end of a new life

B. the Indians are busy with harvest on Sankranthi

C. Diwali is not only celebrated in India

D. Onam is to celebrate victory of good over the evil



65.D  66.D  67.A  68.C

65.D 细节理解题。根据文章, Makara SankranthiOnam两个节日都庆祝丰收。

66.D 细节理解题。在印度的47号, Bevu and Bella 是过节这天人们所喜欢吃的具有代表性的食物。

67.A 细节理解题。人们在庆祝Makara Sankranthi节日时是为了庆祝季风季节的结束。

68.C 推理判断题。Deepavali这一部分提到it is celebrated by Hindus, Jains and Sikhs across the world, C项正确。Ugadi应该意味着新生活的开始; Sankranthi这天只是表明收获的开始,但并不是说人们就很忙;庆祝正义对邪恶的胜利应该是在Deepavali上进行的而不是在Onam这个节日。



Around the world more and more people are taking part in dangerous sports and activities. Of course, there have always been people who have looked for adventure — those who have climbed the highest mountains, traveled into unknown parts of the world or sailed in small boats across the greatest oceans. Now, however, there are people who try to find an immediate thrill from a risky activity which may only last a few minutes or even seconds.

I would consider bungee jumping to be a good example of such an activity. You jump from a high place (perhaps a bridge or a hot­air balloon) 200 meters above the ground with an elastic (有弹性的) rope tied to your ankles. You fall at up to 150 kilometers an hour until the rope stops you from hitting the ground. Other activities which most people would say are as risky as bungee jumping include jumping from tall buildings and diving into the sea from the top of high cliffs.

Why do people take part in such activities as these? Some psychologists (心理学家) suggest that it is because life in modern societies has become safe and boring. Life, according to many people, offers little excitement. They live and work safely and comfortably. The answer for some of these people is to try to find danger in activities such as bungee jumping.

69.Which of the following is the best title for this test?

A. Bungee Jumping: So Dangerous

B. Bungee Jumping: How Exciting

C. Dangerous Sports: What and How

D. Dangerous Sports: What and Why

70.People take part in dangerous sports mainly because


A. they want to have a change in sports

B. they have nothing to do

C. they need much excitement in their lives

D. they are eager to know about such sports

71.Which of the following best describes the author's tone in this passage?

A. Optimistic.                  B. Critical.

C. Objective.                 D. Favorable.



69.D  70.C  71.C

69.D 主旨大意题。整篇文章讲述了人们玩的危险运动的名称以及原因。

70.C 推理判断题。心理学家认为主要原因是现代人的生活太枯燥单调。

71.C 推理判断题。作者在文章中没有发表意见,因此他对极限运动持客观(评价)的态度。




Children and Sleep

Health officials have begun a campaign to urge children to get enough sleep. The officials say children need at least nine hours of sleep every night. They say research shows that children who get this much sleep perform better in school, suffer fewer accidents and are less likely to become too fat.

Studies show that lack of sleep causes tiredness and problems with clear thinking. People who do not get enough sleep become angry easily and have trouble controlling their emotions.

Among children, problems that result from lack of sleep often are mistaken for more serious disorders. Unlike adults, tired children seem to have endless energy. Some doctors mistakenly identify this as hyperactivity (活动过度).

Experts say many American teenagers are not getting enough sleep. Teenagers stay up later for several reasons, including schoolwork, after school activities and late — night fun. Many high school students in the United States start school every early in the morning.

Four years ago, education officials in Minneapolis, Minnesota changed the starting  time of seven high schools. The officials delayed the starting time by almost ninety minutes.

A University of Minnesota study found that attendance at the high schools improved after the starting time was changed. However, the later start did not greatly affect the performance of the students. Still, school systems in other parts of the country are discussing later starting times for high school students.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (小儿科) represents doctors who treat children. It notes that many sleep disorders first develop in childhood. It says doctors often do not identify the disorder until years later.

The group has agreed to join in a study with the National Center on Sleep Disorders Research. During the next five years, they plan to examine sleep problems in very young and older children. They also will develop guides for doctors to use when testing for sleep problems. And they will provide educational materials about the importance of healthy sleep.

72. The passage is primarily concerned with________.

A. the amount of children's sleep

B.  the children's health problem

B.  the children's hyperactivity

D. the serious children's disorder

73. What is NOT the problem caused to the children if they can't get enough sleep?

A. They may get tired easily.

B.  They can't think clearly.

C. They are easy to become angry.

D. They are ready to get hyperactive.

74. What's the main difficulty to deal with the problem of the children's lack of sleep?

A. There is too much homework to complete after school.

B.  Many of the children take part in too many activities after school.

C. The children play fun into deep night.

D. The doctors usually can't identify this disorder easily.

75. The American Academy of Pediatrics has taken many measures to solve sleep problem EXCEPT to________.

A. reduce the amount of children's homework

B. later starting times for high school students

C. develop guides for doctors when testing for sleep problems

D. provide educational materials about the importance of healthy sleep



72.A  73.D  74.D  75.A

72.A 主旨考查题。整篇文章就是在讨论孩子的睡眠问题。

73.D 细节考查题。文中第三段讲到,孩子睡眠不足,容易误诊为活动过度,可见它们是两种不同的疾病。

74.D 细节考查题。此话题在第三段和第七段都有提到。

75.A 细节考查题。解决问题的措施没有提到减少作业量。