
A recent research shows that the “short sleepers” had been more or less average in their sleep needs until the men were in their teens. But at the age of 15 or so,the men voluntarily began cutting down their nightly sleep time because of pressures from school,work,and other activities. These men tended to view their nightly periods of unconsciousness as interruptions in their daily routines.

In general,these “short sleepers” appeared ambitious,active,energetic,cheerful,and very sure about their career choices. They often held several jobs at once,or worked full­or part­time while going to school. And many of them had a strong urge to appear “normal” or “acceptable” to their family,friends and so on.

When asked to recall their dreams,the “short sleepers” did poorly. More than this,they seemed to prefer not remembering. In similar situation,their usual way of dealing with psychological problems was to deny that the problem existed,and then to keep busy in the hope that the trouble would go away.

The sleep patterns of the “short sleepers” were similar to,but less extreme than,sleep patterns shown by many mental patients.

The “long sleepers” were quite different indeed. The research shows that these young men had been lengthy sleeps since childhood. They seemed to enjoy their sleep,protected it,and were quite concerned when they were occasionally robbed of their desired 9 hours of nightly bed rest. They tended to recall their dreams much better than did the “short sleepers”.

21.Many “short sleepers” were likely to hold the view that________.

A.sleep could make people appear active and cheerful

B.sleep was the least important on their daily routines

C.they were acceptable to all their friends and family

D.they were less extreme than many mental patients

22.According to the report,________.

A.many “short sleepers” needed less sleep before they were teenagers

B.many “short sleepers” were forced to reduce their nightly sleep time

C.many “long sleepers” were quite concerned when they slept 9 hours

D.many “long sleepers” had kept their sleeping habits since childhood

23.What is the purpose of writing this passage?

A.To introduce the result of a recent research.

B.To advise people to sleep for a longer time.

C.To show the disadvantages of short sleeping.

D.To explain the advantages of long sleeping.

24.It can be concluded from the third paragraph that________.

A. “short sleepers” dealt with the psychological trouble themselves

B.“short sleepers” were unwilling to face psychological problems

C.“short sleepers” shortened the sleeping time because of pressures

D.“short sleepers” would rather remember than forget their dreams





One afternoon Peter and Jim went out for a bicycle ride. When they passed a place they saw a large area of grass and bushes on fire and a strong wind was blowing the flames towards a village. The firemen had already arrived and were trying to put out the fire. The boys left their bicycles and ran towards the village to see if they could help to fight the fire. On the way they met two firemen.

“Quick, you boys,” said one of the firemen. “Come and help us to pull a pump (泵) to the stream. We can’t beat out the fire. The wind is too strong. The pump is our only hope.”

The two boys ran further until they came to a heavy pump. They helped to pull it to a stream not far from the village.

Soon the pump was working well so the boys went to watch the fire. It had already reached the edge of the village. The boys saw that two houses were on fire, and the flames were attacking a third building. Suddenly there was a shout from one of the villagers.

“Keep away!” a voice shouted. “There’s paint stored in that building.” The boys and villagers moved away quickly. With a loud explosion (爆炸), the whole building burst into flames, sending clouds of thick black smoke into the sky.

At this time Peter and Jim began to think that the whole village would be burnt to the ground. The firemen had left the burning buildings and were pouring (浇) water onto the neighboring houses, trying to stop the fire from spreading. Then the wind died down. A second pump was brought up to help, and the fire was gradually put out.

“It’s soon finished,” Peter said to his friend. “We must go or we shall get home late.” “Yes, come on,” agreed Jim, and with a last look at the ruins, they walked back to their bicycles.

25. According to the text, _____.

A. no one knew how the fire broke out

B. two pumps were used to put out the fire

C. two buildings were burnt down during the fire

D. the boys didn’t leave until the fire was put out

26. The villagers were told to keep away from the fire mainly because _____.

A. one of the buildings stored a lot of paint

B. it was spreading very rapidly

C. two burning buildings were falling down

D. their help was unnecessary

27. The firemen tried to stop the fire from spreading by _____.

A. using an airplane 

B. using more fire engines

C. pulling down the burning houses

D. pouring water onto the neighboring houses

28. Seeing the fire, the boys ran to the village to _____.

A. watch it                             B. ask for help

C. help the firemen               D. warn the villagers





Alice always wanted to be a singer. Music was the most important thing in her life, but to tell you the truth, she took lessons for years, practiced every day, but in spite of all this, her voice didn’t improve. Honestly, it didn’t get better, it just got louder.

Her teacher finally gave up and stopped the lessons, but Alice refused to quit (放弃), and one day she decided to give a concert and invited her mere (唯一的) teacher to attend.

The teacher was very worried about what to say after the performance. She knew it would be terrible and it was. She didn’t want to tell a lie, but she didn’t want to hurt Alice’s feelings either. Finally, she got an idea and went backstage (后台) to greet her former pupil.

“Well,” said Alice, “what did you think of my performance?”

“My dear,” said the teacher, “you’ll never be better than you were tonight.”

29. Alice’s teacher stopped the lessons because       .

A. Alice didn’t make any improvement in singing

B. Alice’s voice became louder and louder

C. Alice didn’t work hard enough

D. Alice was so proud and wouldn’t listen to her

30. Why did Alice want to be a singer?

A. Because she was good at singing.

B. Because she could do nothing but sing.

C. Because she had a good teacher.

D. Because she was most interested in music.

31. What is really mean by saying “you’ll never be better than you were tonight”?

A. You have given an excellent performance tonight.

B. You haven’t made any improvement and neither will you.

C. You have never sung so well before.

D. You did much better before than tonight.

32. What made Alice decide to give a concert?

A. She wanted to prove that her teacher was wrong.

B. She wanted to please her teacher.

C. She was sure that she could sing beautifully.

D. Somebody else wanted her to do so.





We all have our ways of marking time. As a photographer,my life is measured from one story to the next. My oldest son was born in the middle of a long story about the Endangered Species Act. My daughter came along with a pack of gray wolves.

Twenty stories later,though,it’s the story in Alaska that I’ll remember best. It was the story about the loss of wilderness—and the story during which my wife Kathy got cancer. That’s the one that made time stand still. I stopped taking pictures on the day when she found that tumor (肿瘤).Cruelly,it was Thanksgiving. By Christmas,she had become very weak. Some days she was so sick she couldn’t watch TV.

Early examination saves time. But ours was not early. By the time you can feel it yourself,it’s often bigger than the doctor want it to be.

Cancer is a thief. It steals time. Our days are already short with worry. Then comes this terrible disease,unfair as storm at harvest time. But cancer also has the power to change us,for good. We learn to simplify,enjoying what we have instead of feeling sorry for what we don’t. Cancer even made me a better father. My work had made me a stranger to my three kids. But now I pay attention to what really matters. This is not a race. This is a new way of life and new way of seeing,all from the cancer.

In the end each of us has so little time. We have less of it than we can possibly imagine. And even though it turns out that Kathy’s cancer has not spread,and her prognosis (诊断) is good,we try to make it all count now,enjoying every part of every day.

I’ve picked up my camera again. I watch the sky,searching for beautiful light. When winter storms come,Kathy and I gather our children and take the time to catch snowflakes (雪花) on our tongues. After all,this is good. This is what we’re living for.

33.What is the biggest change the cancer has brought to the author?

A.He treasured every bit of time with his family.

B.He has become a stranger to his children.

C.He takes his work more seriously.

D.He focuses more on medical care.

34.As a photographer,the author used to________.

A.leave his daughter with a pack of gray wolves

B.express his love for his family in a special way

C.miss a great many important historical moments

D.devote much more to his career than his family

35.Why did the author decide to stop taking pictures?

A.To cure his own disease.

B.To spend more time with his wife.

C.To seek a better position.

D.To leave the wilderness alone.





根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在 题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。

How to Eat Slowly to Avoid Overeating

Eating slowly can help you to better understand your real hunger signals and recognize reasons for faster eating,such as emotions or simply liking the taste of food. However,eating slowly is not a decision that you make suddenly. ____36____

Adjust your mind. Do not even attempt to acquire the habit of eating slowly before you’re mentally ready. Relax and use your imagination to create mental images that your brain will remember. As part of this mental process,imagine yourself lean and fit.           

____37____Eating slowly isn’t just about slowing down the chewing;it’s also about slowing down your food choices. As you pick out the processed food,replace it with healthy,unprocessed or less processed choices.

Always relax before you start eating. Take a few deep breaths through the nose,not through the mouth. As you do so,hold your breath briefly and exhale (呼出) slowly by the mouth. ___38_____ In this way,you remove any risk of comfortable eating.

Drink a glass of water or a small bowl of soup before the main dishes. This will give you a sense of fullness. Be aware that not everyone advocates drinking during a meal,as some people believe that this can remove the nutrients from your meal. ___39_____

Spend at least 20 minutes on your meal. ___40_____ Eat your last portion slowly,if you are still hungry after 20 minutes,because it means you are eating too fast!

A. Have a clock in plain sight from the table to adjust your eating speed.

B. Get rid of the stress before you start eating.

C. It is wise to talk to your doctor about this,if it’s still a problem for you.

D. Remove as much processed food from your plate or food storage as possible.

E. However,specialists believe water actually aids in digestion.

F. Put the forks down after putting food in your mouth.

G. It’s a habit that you need to acquire with practice.





阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在 题卡上将该项涂黑。


An American who was travelling in England went into a shop in London. He wanted very much to __41___ an old golden watch. He saw one that he liked, __42___ the owner of the shop asked as much as five hundred U.S dollars __43___ it. The American hesitated for moment. Suddenly a young man came into the shop, ___44__the watch out of the owner’s ___45__, and ran away with it. It all happened in a few __46___. When the __47___ ran out after the thief, he was already __48___ among the crowds. The American went on. At the corner of the street he __49___ the thief with ___50__ watch in his hand. “Do you want to buy a fine watch, sir?” He __51___. “ It’s a __52___ one hundred dollars.”

“It’s a clear the thief __53__ that I saw him stealing the watch.” The American thought. He paid at once and went back to his __54___ with the watch. He couldn’t help __55___ his friend about his good _56____.

His friend took a look at the watch and __57___, saying, “You’ve been made a ___58__ of. This watch isn’t worth __59___ ten dollars. I’m sure that the shop owner and the thief __60___ together.”

41. A. see   B. enjoy   C. buy   D. sell

42. A. so    B. but     C. or    D. and

43. A. for   B. of    C. with   D. on

44. A. stole   B. snatched   C. robbed   D. took

45. A. table   B. bag   C. hand   D. pocket

46. A. months   B. hours   C. days   D. seconds

47. A. shopkeeper   B. policeman   C. American   D. assistant

48. A. missed   B. lost   C. gone   D. seen

49. A. saw   B. caught   C. recognized   D. seized

50. A. another   B. the stolen   C. a new   D. a nice

51. A. explained   B. shouted   C. whispered   D. cried

52. A. right   B. just   C. exactly   D. only

53. A. didn’t know   B. knew   C. didn’t notice   D. noticed

54. A. house   B. hotel   C. home   D. shop

55. A. talking   B. saying   C. telling   D. showing

56. A. luck   B. story   C. watch   D. experience

57. A. enjoyed   B. appreciated   C. cried   D. laughed

58. A. joke   B. food   C. fun   D. trick

59. A. even   B. less than   C. more than   D. only

60. A. sold   B. did   C. planned   D. considered



41-45 CBABC 46-50 DABCB 51-55 CDABC 56-60 ADBAC



Billy:It’s so hard for me ___61_____ (learn) English. Why is it so easy for you?

Jennifer:I don’t know you were having problems. Maybe it’s easier for me ___62_____  I already speak two languages. But also I really work at it.

Billy:Well,I always do my homework and go to classes. What else ___63_____ you think would help?

Jennifer:You might try to read newspapers. And I always talk to Americans when I get ___64_____ chance,____65____ sometimes it’s hard.

Billy:But,how do you meet Americans? I only know other foreign students.

Jennifer:How about sitting next ___66_____ an American at lunch,or have you ever thought of __67______ (ask) someone over to your house for dinner?

Billy:Those are good ideas. But I’m a little shy ___68_____ (speak)English.

Jennifer:You won’t learn it well ___69_____ you try to speak. If I ___70_____ (be) you,I’d talk to your English teacher. He might have some good ideas.



61. to learn 62. because 63. do 64. a 65. though

66. to 67. asking 68. to speak 69. unless 70. were







注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。


For some people, making friends are easy. For others, they can be a problem. People who make friends easily knew how to be themselves. There’s old saying: “ A friend is someone who knows you well and likes you anyway.” So there are three simpler things you can do to making friends. First, you have to like yourself. Next, learn to listen to. For friendships to succeed, you need to show an interest to others. Finally, it’s a good idea to join a club or take a class. That way, you meet people who have different interests. Good friends usual like the same things.




For some people, making friends are easy. For others, they can be a problem.

is it

People who make friends easily knew how to be themselves. There’sold saying:

know an

A friend is someone who knows you well and likes you anyway.” So there are three

simpler things you can do to making friends. First, you have to like yourself. Next,

simple make

learn to listen to. For friendships to succeed, you need to show an interest to others.


Finally, it’s a good idea to join a club or take a class. That way, you meet people who

have different interests. Good friends usual like the same things.

similar usually



我校英语学习的教辅资料是英语周报(English Weekly),请用英语写一篇100词左右的短文,介绍英语周报。短文应包括以下内容:

报纸名称及使用语言:English Weekly,英文报纸








English Weekly is my favourite newspaper. It is an English language newspaper, which is published in Shanxi each week. It has sections of different kinds, including News of the week, Today’s World, Language Class, Sports and Music and plenty of exercises concerning English study. There are some beautiful pictures and interesting articles in it. I enjoy reading the paper. I read it to improve my English. I have learnt a lot of new words and useful expressions. Besides, I can get information about different things. English Weekly is very popular with students and English learners. I do love it.