
 -- It's cloudy outside. Please take an umbrella.

 -- __________.

      A. Yes, take it easy               B. Well, it just depends

      C. OK, just in case               D. All fight, you're welcome          



解析:本题考查了交际用语中的几个短语。句意:——这儿阴天。请带上一把雨伞。——好的,以防万一。四个选项只有C符合语境。take it easy从容/不紧张;it just depends那要看情况;you are welcome别客气/不用谢。


 __ in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor.

      A. Dressed      B. To dress      C. Dressing    D. Having dressed      




解析: 本题考查几个动词的非谓语动词。他穿着白制服看上去与其说象大夫到不如说象厨师。本题测试非谓语动词的用法。Dress是及物动词,其用法为dress sb/oneslf(表动作) ;be dressed in(表状态)。Dress与句子的主语he是动宾关系,故用过去分词作状语,表被动。

Allow children the space to voice their opinions, ____they are different from your own.

A. until                     B. even if        C. unless              D. as though              




解析:本题考查连词的用法。让孩子们有发言的空间,即使他们与你自己的孩子不同。本题测试从属连词的用法。从句与主句为让步关系,应由even if引导。Until unless as though 引导时间/条件/方式状语从句。


 – Lucy doesn’t mind lending you her dictionary.

-- She ______ . I've already borrowed one.

      A. can't        B. mustn't   C. needn't           D. shouldn't       




解析:本题考查了情态动词的否定用法。——Lucy 不介意把词典借给你。——她不必了。我已经借了一本了。本题测试情态动词的用法。needn’t不必(不需要);can’t不能(不许);mustn’t不行(禁止);shouldn’t不该(责备)。

He suddenly saw Sue _____ the room. He pushed his way ____ the crowd of people to get to her.

A. across, across        B. over, through  C. over, into   D. across, through 




解析:本题考查几个介词的用法。他突然看见Sue走到了房间那边。他挤过人群向她走过去。本题测试介词的用法。across through分别表示从表面上和内部穿过。over表从上面越过;into表进入。


 I was just talking to Margot when Jackson _____ .

     A. cut in         B. cut down        C. cut out         D. cut up   




解析:本题考查几个动词短语。我正要和Margaret交谈这时Jackson插嘴了。本题测试动词短语的用法。cut down砍倒/削减;cut out切掉/停止;cut up切碎/抨击。


 Frank's dream was to have his own shop ____ to produce the workings of his own hands.

     A. that             B. in which           C. by which        D. how          




解析: 本题考查介词短语+关系代词的用法。Frank的梦想是有一家可以生产自己的手工制品的商店。本题测试不定式短语的用法。in which to produce...相当于定语从句in which /where he could produce…in which =in the shop.


We went to Canada to travel and my cousin ______ as our guide.

     A. played       B. showed          C. acted            D. performed      




解析: 本题考查了动词的固定搭配。我们去加拿大旅行,我表弟当导游.本题测试动词搭配的用法。act as担当;其他选项均不与as连用。


I can't remember when exactly the Rohinsons left __ city. I only remember it was ____ Monday.

     A. the, the        B. a, the          C. a, a             D. the, a          




解析: 本题考查冠词的基本用法。我不记得Robinsons一家离开这座城市确切时间了.我只记得那是一个周一.本题测试冠词的用法。哪座城市双方都知道,是特指;周一则不确定,是泛指。


 – If the traffic hadn't been so heavy, I could have been hack by 6 o'clock.

   -- What a pity! Tina _____ here to see you.

     A. is            B. was             C. would be        D. has been        




解析: 本题考查动词的时态。-如果交通不是那么繁忙,我6点前就能回来了.-太遗憾了!Tina曾经来过这儿看你.本题测试动词的时态的用法。根据句意,Tina现已离开,因此要用过去时。


The more I think about him, the more reasons I find for loving him ___ I did.

     A. as much ms          B. as long as         C. as soon as    D. as far as    




解析: 本题考查几个含有as…as结构的相似短语。我想他越多,找到爱他的原因就越多.本题测试比较结构的用法。as much as尽量多;as long as只要;as soon as一...就..

Since I won the big prize, my telephone hasn't stopped ringing. People __ to ask how I am going to spend the money.

     A. phone               B. will phone        C. were phoning  D. are phoning




解析: 本题考查动词的时态。自从我赢了大奖,我的电话响就没停过。人们都在打电话问我打算怎么花那笔钱。本题测试动词的时态的用法。打电话是现阶段正在进行的动作,故应用现在进行时。


You will find as you read fiats book that you just can't keep some of these stones to ______. You will want to share them with

a friend.

     A. itself          B. yourself    C. himself       D. themselves  




解析: 本题考查反身代词。当你读这本书的时候,你会发觉自己会情不自禁地把其中的一些内容告诉别人。你想要与朋友分享他们。本题测试动词与反身代词搭配的用法。keep sth to oneself (不把某事告诉别人). 反身代词要与主语you一致。


 I send you 100 dollars today, the rest __ in a yew.

     A. follows      B. followed     C. to follow    D. being followed




解析: 本题考查非谓语动词的用法。今天我先给你寄100美元。其余的钱一年内陆续寄过去。本题测试非谓语动词的用法。 the restto follow构成独立主格结构。不定式表主动和将来。


 I was surprised by her words, which made me recognize ___ silly mistakes I had made.

     A. what             B. that               C. how             D. which    







  When I was thirteen, my family moved from Boston to Tucson, Arizona.  36  the move, my father  37  us in the living-room on a freezing January night. My sisters and I sat around the fire, not   38  that the universe would suddenly change its course. "In May, we're  39  to Arizona."

     The words, so small, didn't seem  40  enough to hold my new life. But the world changed and I awoke on a tram moving across the country. I watched the  41_  change from green trees to flat dusty plains to high mountains as I saw strange new plants that  42  mysteries(奥秘) yet to come. Finally, we arrived and  43  into own new home.

     44  my older sisters were sad at the loss of friends, I   45   explored(探索) our

new surroundings.

     One afternoon, I was out exploring  46  and saw a new kind of cactus(仙人掌). I crouched (蹲) down for a closer look. "You'd better not  47  that."

     I turned around to see an old woman

     "Are you new lo this neighborhood?" I explained that I was,  48 , new to the entire state.

     "My name is Ina Thorne. Have you got used to life in the  49 ? It must be quite a   _50  after living in Boston."

     How could I explain how I  51  the desert? I couldn't seem to find the right words.

     "It's vastness," she offered. “That vastness  52  you stand on the mountains overlooking the desert -- you can  53  how little you are in comparison with the world.  _54 , you feel that the possibilities are limitless.”

     That was it. That was the feeling I'd bad ever since I'd first seen the mountains of my new home. Again, my  55  would change with just a few simple words.

     "Would you like to come to my home tomorrow? Someone should teach you which plant you should and shouldn't touch."

36.A. During    

B. Until        

C. Upon       

D. Before     

37. A. gathered   

B. warned     

C. organized    

D. comforted 

38. A. hoping    

B. admitting    

C. realizing     

D. believing  

39. A. going    

B. moving        

C. driving     

D. flying     

40. A. good  

B. simple     

C. big         

D. proper     

41 A. picture    

B. ground      

C. sense         

D. area      

42. A. suggested   

B. solved      

C. discovered   

D. explained 

43. A. settled    

B. walked  

C. hurried       

D. stepped 

44. A. If     

B. After         

C. once         

D. While    

45. A. bitterly  

B. easily         

C. proudly    

D. eagerly   

46 A as well              

B. as usual

C. fight away   

D. on time  

47. A. move 

B. dig         

C. pull        

D. touch    

48. A. of course   

B. in fact    

C. after all      

D. at least   

49. A. desert   

B. city         

C. state         

D. country  

50. A. luck 

B. doubt       

C. shock    


51. A. found      

B. examined    

C. watched       

D. reached   

52. A. why     

B. when       

C. how         

D. where    

53. A. prove     

B. guess       

C. sense             

D. expect 

54. A. However

B. Otherwise   

C. Therefore   

D. Meanwhile

55. A. idea

B. life         

C. home        

D. family   




解析:从文中看出,五月要搬家,在元月来告诉孩子们,当然就是Before the move








解析:此处用not big是对前半句so small的进一步的解释。












解析:此处需要一个方式状语,as usual(像往常一样)恰好可以和过去进行时态配合使用。




解析:此处考察了几个短语,表示强调和程度的加深,用in fact(事实上)。










解析:站在高山之颠,感觉自身的渺小。这是一种内心的感受,所以应用 sense






     We were on tour a few summers ago, driving through Chicago, when right outside of the city, we got pulled over. A middle-aged policeman came up to the car and was really being troublesome at first. Lecturing us, he said, "You were speeding. Where are you going in such a hurry?" Our guitarist, Tim, told him that we were on our way to Wisconsin to play a show. His way towards us totally changed. He asked, "Oh, so you boys are in a band (乐队)?”We told him that we were. He then asked all the usual broad questions about the type of music we played, and how long we had been at it. Suddenly, he stopped and said, "Tim, you want to get out of this ticket, don't you?" Tim said, "Yes." So the officer asked him to step out of the car. The rest of us, inside the car, didn't know what to think as we watched the policeman talk to Tim. Next thing we knew, the policeman was putting Tim in the back of the police car he had parked in front of us. With that, he threw the car into reverse(倒车), stopping a few feet in back of our car. Now we suddenly felt frightened. We didn't know if we were all going to prison, or if the policeman was going to sell Tim on the black market or something. All of a sudden, the pollen's voice came over in a loudspeaker. He said, "Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time ever, we have Tim here singing on Route 90.” Turns out, the policeman had told Tim that the only way he was getting out of the ticket was if he sang part of one of our songs over the loudspeaker in the police car. Seconds later, Tim started screaming into the receiver. The policeman enjoyed the performance, and sent us on our way without a ticket.

56. The policeman stopped the boys to ______.

     A. put them into prison               B. give them a ticket

     C. enjoy their performance             D. ask some band questions           

57. The policeman became friendly to the boys when ha knew they ____

     A. had long been at the band         B. played the music he loved

     C. were driving for a show           D. promised into a performance       

58. The boys probably felt ______ when they drove off.

     A, joyful               B. calm            C. nervous        D. frightened       










    Collections were the inspiration(灵感) for a project at Thomas Tallis School, which formed part of the Imagine Children's Literature Festival last autumn. Each child (aged 12-13) beatified a box and wrote a story on the subject of collections to throw inside it. The boxes were spread within the Royal Festival Hall's Ballroom. Some were left empty to encourage

    The subject chosen by Luren was an imaginative one. "It's a sort o f Cinderella (灰姑娘) story," she told me, inspired by a collection of letters from her cousin, ha the story these become love letters, burned by a creel stepmother. Lauren's best friend Charlotte is the stepmother. "I'm in Charlotte's story too," says Lauren, "and I get run over." Charlotte's tale was inspired by the girls' coin collection. "We've collected foreign coins for years – since our families went on holiday to Tenerife." she explains. "That was before the Euro, so we put pesetas in." Lauren continues: "I fred a coin in the road, go to get it and get run over. I'm in hospital and then I die." Charlotte adds: "Or she might not die. I haven't decided yet."

     Millie Murray, who is a tea-novel author, thinks that setting the subject of collections was a useful inspiration to their creativity rather than a restriction(限制). "In the beginning I thought, 'Will the children be able to do it?'" she says. "But it's been fruitful. Some have their own collection, some have parents who do, and some have wlstten complete stories. It's made them think about something they wouldn't have otherwise, winch can only be a good thing."

59. What were the children asked to do in the project?

      A. To meet friends at Thomas Tallis School

      B. To write stories on the subject of collections.

      C. To encourage visitors to write their own stories.

      D. To have their friends for characters in the stories.                      

60. The underlined word "pesetas" in Paragraph 2 is a kind of _____.

      A. story       B. collection      C. inspiration     D. foreign coin      

61. From the stories by Lauren and Charlotte, we know that _____ .

      A. Charlotte hurt herself when getting a coin

      B. both of them developed their imagination

      C. both of tram will die in each other's stories

      D. Latwen's cousin posted her some love letters                            

62. Millie Murray thinks ________.

      A. collections could inspire writing creativity

      B. it was good for parents to have collections

      C. inspirations were very useful in writing stories

      D. setting collection subjects restricted inspirations                




解析:细节辨认题。文章的第一段第二句话是此题的根据。 ACD项都不是要求孩子们做的事情。


解析:推理判断题。文章第二段倒数第四句We’re collected foreign coins for years…可以判断出pesetasforeign coin




解析:从文章在第三段第一句话Millie Murray thinks….可以知道答案。


Paula Radcliffe, chasing (角逐) a third London marathon title(冠军), says she has became a stronger person after her terrible experience at the 2004 Athens Gaines.

   Radcliffe, who failed to complete the Olympic marathon and the 10,000m last August, said: "Athens made me a stronger person and it made me care less about criticism (批评)"

   "In the past I wanted to please everyone, but now I am going to listen even more to the people around me."

   She didn't care about criticism made at the weekend by Liz McColgan, who felt Radcliffe should have rested and let her body recover after her failure in Athens.

   "Liz is someone I look up to but she hasn't spoken to me since last year and if she really eared for me, I'm sure she would have contacted (联系) me."

   Instead Radcliffe won the New York City marathon just 11 weeks after Athens.

   "In New York I wasn't in my best state but I did know I was good enough to win the      Radcliffe insisted her only goal in Sunday's race would be winning a third title and not chasing world records.

   However, RadcIiffe has not ruled out(排除) m the future chasing her "final" world record time and questioned sayings that marathon runners have the ability in their career to produce only four or five world-class times.

   "I don't think that -- although I can't put a number on it," said. RadcLiffe. "That changes from person to person."

   Radcliffe is sure she can better her winning London 2003 performance at some point in the future. Following a successful three-month training period in the United States, the 31-year-old will chase a third title on Sunday after her first victory in 2O02 and again 12 months later.

Radcliffe clocked a time of 2:18:56 in her first 42.2-kdnmetre race three years ago.

   Afterwards she set a "mixed course" mark of 2:17:18 five months later In Chicago before lowering that to a time of 2:15:25 m the 2003 London event.

63. Radcliffe's failure in Athens made her ________

     A. develop respect for Liz    B. love people around her more

     C. rest for five months       D. face criticism calmly                    

64. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

     A. Radcliffe broke the world record in the New York City marathon.

     B. Radcliffe didn't fully recover before the New York City marathon.

     C. Radcliffe won her first marathon title in the New York City marathon.

     D. Radcliffe had a 3-month training before the New York City marathon.    

65. By saying "I can't put a number on it," Radcliffe means she's not sure _____ .

     A. if she has the ability to set a new world record

     B. if she can win another race though she has won many tunes

     C. how many times a marathon runner can set the world record

     D. if she has the ability to produce four or five world-class times           

66. According to the text, Redcliffc bas won ____ London marathon title(s).

      A. four         B. three         C. two         D. one             [C]

67. What can we learn from Radcliffe's story?

     A. Practice makes perfect.           B. Well begun is half done.

     C. A friend in need is a fried indeed. D. Where there is a will there is a way.








解析:从文章中的倒数第四段可以知道题干中的I can’t put a number on it,这句话表示:Radcliffs对于马拉松运动员能够多少次创造世界记录是不确信的。






From Mr. Ward Hoffman.

   Sir, I was halfway through Professor Raj Persaud's article “What's the tipping point"

(Financial Times Weekend, April 9-l0) when it occurred to me that what I was reading was not ironic(讽刺的). If Prof Persaud wants to know why Americans tip in restaurants, he need only ask the first American he meets in London.

   Americans tip in restarts for one reason, and one reason only: we tip to supplement (补贴) the salary of restaurant workers. Quality of service does not enter into it, beyond the fact that one may tip a bit less for poor service, or a little more for good service.

   Not tipping at all in a non-fast-food restaurant is not a choice. In the US, one used to tip about 15 per cent for dining in a family-style restaurant or in an up-market (高档的) restaurant. Here, in San Francisco Bay area restaurants, we me encouraged to tip 20 per cent or more, to help restart workers live in this very expensive area.

   After eating at an Italian restart in my city, I left a tip of 20 per cent on the non-tax part of our dinner bill. It was expected. There is nothing more complicated (复杂的) than that about Americas tipping in restaurants.

Ward Hoffman, 

Palo Alto, CA 94306, US

*                *                  *

From Mr. Philip McBride Johnson.

    Sir, I agree with most of Raj Persaud's opinion about the doubtful value of tipping, but with one exception(例外). Tips can be very useful when one is a repeat customer or diner.

It is only when the tipper is a stranger and likely to remain so that the system does not work to his or her advantage. But frequent a hotel or a restaurant, always tip a bit more, and the difference in service and treatment will ha easily felt.

Phfiip McBnde Johnson,

Great Falls, VA 22066, US

68. What can we learn from Hoffrnan's letter?

     A. Quality of service determines tipping in the US.

     B. Americans don't tip in non fast-food restaurants.

     C. Tipping in US upmarknt restarts is unnecessary.

     D. How to tip in the United States is not complicated.                               

69. Johnson's letter shows ________.

     A. a stranger in a restaurant is likely to tip a bit more

     B. diners receive better service if they frequent a restaurant

     C. repeat dinners may get good service ifthay tip a bit more

     D. the tipping system works to the advantage of new customers           

70. From tbe two letters, we can learn Professor Raj Persaud ______ .

     A. feels doubtful about the value of tipping

     B. believes tipping improves quality of service

     C. wats to ask Hoffman about tipping m the US

     D. thinks tipping a bit mom one can get good service                     

71. The two letters most probably appears in a ______.

     A. notice             B. handbook      C. book review    D. newspaper          












    At Dallas/Fort Worth Airport, the lights are controlled by sensors that measure sunlight. They dim immediately when it's sunny and brighten when a passing cloud blocks the sun.

   A wall of windows at a University of Pennsylvania engineering budding has built-in blinds (百页窗) controlled by a computer program that follows the sun's path.

   Buildings are getting smarter -- and the next generation of building materials

expected to do even more.

   Windows could catch the sun's energy to heat water. Sensors that measure the carbon

dioxide breathed out by people in a mom could determine whether the air conditioning needs to be turned up.

   Many new materials and technology have been designed in the last 15 years. They now being used in a wave of buildings designed to save as much energy as possible. They include old ideas, like "green roofs," where a belt of plants on a roof helps the building keep heat in winter and stay cool in summer, and new ideas, like special coating for windows that lets light in, but keeps heat out.

   As technologies such as sensors become cheaper, their uses spread.

   The elevators (电梯) at Seven World Trade Center, which is under construction in New York, use a system that groups people traveling to nearby floor into the same elevator, thus saving elevator stops. People who work in the building will enter it by swiping (刷) ID cards that will tell the elevators their floor; readouts will then tell them which elevator to use. The building also has windows with a coating that blocks heal while letting in light.

   More new building materials and technology are in development. A Philadelphia building farm is now working on "smart wrap" that uses tiny solar collectors to catch the

sun's energy and transmitters (传感器) the width of a human hair to move it. They are expected to change the face of the construction industry in the next ten years or so.

72. __ will be developed and used in the construction industry.

     A. "Green mops" that cool or heat buildings

     B. "Smart wrap" that catches the sun's energy

     C. Sunlight-measuring sensors that control lights

     D. Window coating that lets light in, but keeps heat out                          

73. The elevators at Seven World Trade Center are special because they can ___

     A. send people to floors with fewer stops

     B. teach people how to use their ID cards

     C. make people stay very cool in summer

     D. help people go traveling in the building                                                

74. The underlined word "it' in the last paragraph refers to _____.

     A. a human being            B. smart wrap

     C. the sun's energy                 D. a transmitter                   

75. What might be the most suitable title for the text?

     A. Buildings Are Becoming Smarter

     B. Buildings Are Getting More Sunlight

     C. Buildings Are Lacking in Much Energy

     D. Buildings Are Using Cheaper Materials              








解析:通过句子分析可以看出。文章在最后一段第二句to catch the sun’s energy and… to move it这句话由and连接,显然是并列的成分,由此可以判断提it指代的是the sun’s energy


解析: 主旨大意题。文章主要的介绍了现在和未来的新技术和新的建筑材料使用和看法方面的问题。


  The population of the United States is growing older and will continue to do so.

According to a report, 39 million Americans will be 65 or older by the yew 2010, 51 million by 2020, and 65 million by 2030.

   The "graying" of the United States is mainly due to the fact that people in the U. S. living longer. As a matter of fact, the number of U.S. citizens 85 years old and older is growing six times as fast as the rest of the population. It is also largely due to the old-growing of the "baby boomers," the generation born after World War II. In 1957, over 4.3 million babies were born. More than 75 million Americans were born between 1946 and 1964, the largest generation in U.S. history. In less than twenty pears, millions of them will become elderly people.

   The "graying" of the U.S. will greatly affect the nation's family and workforce. One likely development will be a gradual change in the family unit; it will move away from the nuclear family and towards a multigenerational family. The other likely development will be a change m the proportion (比例) of the nation's workforce. In 1989 there were 3.5 workers for every person 65 and older; by the year 2030, there will only be 2 workers for every person 65 and older.



Title  76. Graying USA_

Numbers of citizens 65 or older


By 2020

By 2030

39 million

51 million

65 million

78. Causes/reasons


Baby boomers’ old growing

80. Effects/Results



-- multigenerational family



84.         to citizens 65 or older


By 2030





76. graying U.S. 77. By 2010 78. Causes/ Reasons

79. Citizens’ Longer living 80. Effects/ Results

81. Family unit change 82. Workforce 83. Nuclear family

84. workers 85. In 1989






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1. 选择适合你的时间,并说明理由;2. 选择两项你喜欢的活动,并说明理由;3. 对活动内容提出至少一个建议呀要求;4. 词数:100左右;5. 信的开关和结尾已给出。

Dear Sir or Madame,


 Thank you very much.

Yours truly,

Li Ping



Dear Sir or Madame,

I'm very glad to be invited to the English summer camp.

I prefer to go in July because I'll have to prepare myself for the new school term in August. It seems all the activities you offer are attractive and meaningful. But I'd like to attend the English lectures, from which I can get more information on British and American culture. With the coming of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, more and more foreigners are eager to know about China. So I hope to teach foreigners Chinese and spread Chinese culture.

It's been a dream for me to visit Beijing. Could you organize a tour around the city during the camp?

Thank you very much.

Yours truly,

Li Ping