
发布时间:2023-10-29 04:50:12    来源:查看试卷    点击:2258   

Call out. Call loud: “I’m ready! Come and find me!”

The snacks in the tool shed (工具库) smell like the seaside.

They’ll never find you in the salty dark,

But be careful that your feet aren’t sticking out.

Wisher not to risk another shout.

The floor is cold. They’ll probably be searching

The bushes near the swing. Whatever happens,

You mustn’t sneeze when they come prowling (悄悄寻找) in.

And here they are, whispering at the door;

You’ve never heard them so hushed (小声的) before,

Don’t breathe. Don’t move. Stay dumb. Hide in your blindness.

They’re moving closer, someone stumbles, mutters;

Their words and laughter scuffle, and they’re gone.

But don’t come out just yet; they’ll try the lane

And then the greenhouse and back here again.

They must be thinking that you’ve very clever,

Getting more puzzled as they went away.

You legs are stiff, the cold bites through your coat;

The dark damp smell of sand moves in your throat.

It’s time to let them know that you’re the winner.

Push off the snacks. Uncurl (伸直) and stretch. That’s better!

Out of the shed and call to them: “I’ve caught you!”

The darkening garden watches. Nothing stirs.

The bushes hold their breath; the sun is gone.

Yes, here you are. But where are they who sought you?

                         ---Vernon Scannell

56.Which part of the body is difficult to hide?

A. head                                          B. hands           C. legs          D. feet

57.Which statement is true?

A. The child leaves the tool shed late in the afternoon.

B. Clever as the child is, he is finally caught by the searchers.

C. The searches don’t make any sound when looking for the child.

D. The searches look the lane and the wing before they return to the shed.



56.D 57.A