
发布时间:2023-10-29 08:05:00    来源:查看试卷    点击:2258   


I have learnt a lot about Chinese life while teaching in Nanjing, China.    71     Now, I have a better understanding of Chinese culture and find it very interesting.

 Family life is quite different in China. In the U.S.A., many young people will leave home after they finish their education and start working.     72     Also, many of my Chinese friends told me that their grandparents lived with them and helped take care of them when they were children. I thought this was unusual because it is rare for grandparents to live with their children and grandchildren in the U.S.A.. It seems that Americans think independence is more important while the Chinese think family relationships are more important.

    73     In the U.S.A., prices are set and you can’t ask for a lower price whereas in China, in some small stores and tourist places, you are expected to bargain. I asked my Chinese friends to teach me how to bargain. They told me that I should ask for 40 percent or 50 percent off the price that the salesperson first offers me.     74     If the salesperson does not agree to my price, I should pretend to leave and he might ask me to come back and sell me the item at a lower price.    75   

A. Then, I should tell the salesperson that the same item is cheaper at another store.

B. Bargaining is another Chinese custom that I have tried to learn.

C. When I left China, I felt glad to understand some customs.

D. When I first came to China, there were many things did not understand.

E. One custom that has been easier to adjust to is not tipping.

F. However, in China, it is common for people to live with their parents until they get married.

G. Bargaining is a skill that you have to practice if you live in China.

