
发布时间:2023-10-29 09:28:48    来源:查看试卷    点击:2258   

Many Shopping malls now have special areas that offer shoppers their first chance to experience “VR technology”. You may have entered one out of curiosity, or you may think it is just another piece of useless technology. Whatever your opinion, VR, or virtual(虚拟的)reality, is going to become a big part of our lives very soon.

2016 saw the introduction of many fancy products in the world of VR, including Microsoft's HoloLens and Samsung's Gear VR. All of them offer an exciting look at the new realities” and opportunities that VR brings.

These, however, are the early days of a technology that is expected to go from strength to strength. And 2017 looks like it is going to be the year in which VR technology really takes off.

For a start, using VR will become more normal in 2017. Microsoft and Intel have already discussed their plans for simpler and less expensive VR headsets.

The idea of VR will stop being a sci-fi (science-fiction) idea, and instead it will turn into an industry of real products used as ways to show off imagination.” said Andrew, a designer at US VR Company, Survios.

It is also expected that VR products will play a part in more common and real-life fields like fashion and film. For example, to enjoy the atmosphere and energy of the front row experience at a fashion show, fans will no longer have to go along in the flesh. Instead people will be able to enjoy the experience by just wearing a VR headset at home.

You can also expect VR mirrors and fitting-rooms sooner rather than later. '' This is an especially good opportunity for brands looking to offer very personalized experiences.'' said Roy DeYoung from US-based marketing agency, PMX.

As time goes on, there will be less discussion about whether people will accept VR technology. It will simply be a discussion of when.

8. Why do many shopping malls have areas for VR experiences?

A. To collect shoppers' opinions.

B. To meet the demands of shoppers.

C. To introduce the new technology to shoppers.

D. To entertain shoppers with new technology.

9. The underlined phrase “in the flesh” can be replaced by_____________.

A. in time    B. in person

C. in line    D. in order

10. What can we learn about VR products from the passage?

A. They are cheap for the time being

B. They are being used almost everywhere.

C. They won't be accepted for many years.

D. They will meet more personal demands.

11. What may be the best title for the passage?

A. VR Takes over Fashion

B. VR Mirror are around the corner

C. VR is Becoming Real

D. VR Meets our Life Goal



8. C 9. B 10. D 11. C


8. 推理判断题。根据Many Shopping malls now have special areas that offer shoppers their first chance to experience “VR technology”.可知许多大型购物中心设有虚拟现实技术体验区,是因为他们想要把这种新的技术介绍给顾客,所以选C

9. 词义猜测题。根据Instead people will be able to enjoy the experience by just wearing a VR headset at home.可知这里意思是粉丝们不用再亲自前往,“in the flesh”意思是亲自,所以选B

10. 推理判断题。根据You can also expect VR mirrors and fitting-rooms sooner rather than later. '' This is an especially good opportunity for brands looking to offer very personalized experiences.'' said Roy DeYoung from US-based marketing agency, PMX. 可知虚拟现实产品将会满足更多的个人需要,所以选D

11. 主旨大意题。这篇文章主要介绍了现在,许多大型购物中心都设有虚拟现实技术体验区随着时间的流逝,这种技术正在普及并且推广,所以选C