
The Lantern Festival is         Chinese traditional fe8tival on  which       families get together, and eat Yuan Xiao.

A.the;不填                          B.a; the                       C.the; the                   D.a;不填





—Which city do you like best, Paris, London or Rome?

         .There're good points and bad points about all the three cities.

A. Not necessarily   B. It's hard to say                 C.  Not really            D.No, I don't





The teacher simplified the instructions           the children could understand better.

A. so that                    B. unless                         C. in case            D. though





We don't know if it was done            or by accident.

A. immediately     B. obviously                               C. deliberately           D. eventually





The guests left most of the dishes         , because they did not taste delicious.

A. untouched       B. to be untouched              C. being untouched    D. untouching





Mr.Smith is on time for everything.How         he be late for the ceremony?

A. will                                   B.can                           C.shall                         D.may





When we feel hungry, our body is _        food or energy.

A. turning to       B. getting in                              C. calling for       D. dealing with





Scientists have long wondered         parts of the brain are involved in musical tasks.

A. that                        B. which               C. whose               D. where





—He should have been warned of the danger.

        , but he wouldn't Listen to me.

A. So he had        B. So had he                     C. So was he        D. So he was





—Tom went to Beijing for a holiday yesterday.

         .We played football together this morning.

A. That's a good point                                                         B. I couldn't agree more

C. You can't be serious         D. I'm not sure about it





She came with three friends, none of          I had ever met before.

A. which                                   B. that                 C. them                D. whom





Sorry! I        a letter this morning and forgot all about the appointment.

A. wrote           B. have written      C. was writing                      D. had written





I prefer to work rather than sit there           _ nothing.

A. to do        B. doing        C. done       D. do





It's illegal to read others'  private letters without             

A. permission       B. evidence                              C. intention                    D. promise





I have a dictionary,  but I’ve lent _         to John.

A.it                                         B.one                                C. the one                       D. this






    Polly Tyner is president of the board of trustees(董事会)of schools in Palo Alto.California.Her son, Jim, had great  36  in school.He was classified as educationally handicapped(智障)and required a great deal of  37  on the part of his parents and teachers.But Jim was a happy kid with a great smile that  38  the room.  His parents acknowledged his__39  difficulties,but always tried to help him see his strengths so that he could walk with _40 

        Shortly after Jim finished high school, he was  41  in a motorcycle accident. After his death, his mother submitted this letter to the Palo Alto Times:

  Today we buried our 20-year-old son. He was killed instantly in a motorcycle accident    42  Friday night. How I wish I had known    43  I talked to him last that it would be the last time. If I had only known I would have   44  , "Jim, I love you and I'm so very proud of you."

  I would have taken the time to   45   the many blessings he brought to the lives of the many who loved him. I would have taken time to appreciate his beautiful  46   , the sound of his laughter, his genuine love of people.

  I won't get another  47  to tell my son all I would have wanted him to hear, but, other  48   , you do have a chance. Tell your young people    49  you would want them to hear if you knew it would be your last   50  . The last time I talked to Jim was the day he died. He called me to say, "Hi, Mom! I just called to say I   51   you. Got to go to work. Bye." He gave me something to  52   forever.

  If there is any purpose at all to Jim's death, maybe it is to make others    53  more of life and to have people,    54  families, take the time to let each other know just how much we care.

  You may  55  have another chance. Do it today!

36.A. respect                 B. difficulty                C.pleasure                  D.time

37.A. faith                            B. freedom                     C.patience                       D. courage

38.A. made of                      B. filled in                        C. put up                         D. lit up

39.A. academic                   B. physical                      C. conf/non                    D. foolish

40.A. pride                           B. manner                      C. balance                      D. support

41.A. injured                        B. killed                           C. lost                              D. trapped

42.A. from                            B. on                                C. at                                 D. in

43.A. whether                     B. that                             C. when                           D. while

44.A. said                             B. shown                         C. meant                         D. wrote

45.A. keep                            B. give                             C. count                          D. take

46.A. looks                           B. style                            C. words                         D. smile

47.A. experience                B. desire                         C. chance                        D. letter

48.A. teachers                    B. children                      C. presidents                 D. parents

49.A. which                          B. what                           C. that                             D. as

50.A. conversation             B. greeting                     C. exchange                   D. discussion

51.A. trust                        B. love                             C. leave                           D. cheat

52.A. handle                        B. ignore                         C. hunt                            D. treasure

53.A. appreciate                 B. amuse                        C. understand               D. celebrate

54.A. equally                        B. regularly                    C. especially                   D. completely

55.A. often                           B. instead                       C. forever                       D.never



36-40 BCDAA 41-45 BBCAC 46-50 DCDBA 51-55 BDACD



    If you choose only to complain and escape from a misfortune, it will always follow you wherever you go.But if you decide to be strong, the hardship will turn out to be a fortune on which new hopes will arise.  

    In an accident, a boy lost.both his arms and his father-who was the main source of support for the family.Since then, he has had to depend on the arms of his younger brother.For the sake of taking care of him, his younger brother became his shadow, never leaving him alone for years.Except for writing with his toes, he was completely unable to do anything in his life.  

    As the two brothers grew up together, they had their share of problems and they would often quarrel.Then one day, his younger brother wanted to leave, living his own life, as many normal people do.So he was heart-broken and didn't know what to do.

    A similar misfortune befell a girl, too.One night her mother, who suffered from chronic(慢性的)mental illness, disappeared.Her father went out to look for her mother, leaving her alone at home.She tried to prepare meals for her parents, only to overturn the kerosene light on the stove, resulting in afire which took her hands away.

    Though her elder sister who was studying in another city, showed her willingness to take care of her, she was determined to be completely independent.At school, she always studied hard.Most of all she learned to be self-reliant.

    One day, the boy and the girl were both invited to appear on a television interview program.The boy told the TV host about his uncertain future at being left on his own, whereas the girl was full of enthusiasm for her life.They both were asked to write something on a piece of paper with their toes.The boy wrote:  My younger brother's arms are my arms;  while the girl wrote:  Broken wings, flying heart.

56.What attitude should we take towards a misfortune in the author's opinion?

A.Trying to find an escape from it.                  B.Facing it bravely with a positive mind.

C.Asking for help from your s.            D.Ignoring it and living a normal life.

57.After the accident, the boy         

A.decided to live with his brother                       B. learnt to do things with his toes

C.made a living all by himself                                    D. depended wholly on his brother

58.Which of the following is true of the girl?

A.She lost her mother in an accident.                 B.Her sister took good care of her.

C.She was optimistic and full of courage.         D.She led a poor life with her father.

59.What did the girl mean by "Broken wings, flying heart"?

A.Never give up hopes in face of hardship.

B.It's not easy for her to live a normal life.

C.If a bird loses its wings, it cannot fly.

D.If you lose your hands, your life will be hard.

60.How does the author develop the text?

A.In the order of time.                                             B.By making a comparison.

C.By listing facts.                                                 D.In the order of importance.






    Microsoft founder Bill Gates has opened up about being a parent, stating that 13 is an appropriate age for a child's first cell phone.

    The 57-year-old, father-of-three, revealed on the Today Show that his children Jennifer and Rory were not allowed phones until their thirteenth birthday and his youngest daughter Phoebe is still waiting for one.

    "We've chosen in our family that it's 13 where you get a phone,"  the self-made billionaire explained.

    He said as a result his children often return home from school complaining: "All the other kids have it.I'm the only one without it, and it's so embarrassing."

     Asked if he keeps passwords to his son and daughters' email and Facebook accounts, Mr Gates said that he doesn't for Jennifer, 16, who he describes as "independent".

    He admitted that monitoring online activity is "a very tricky is sue for parents now."

    Despite their vast wealth Mr and Mrs Gates, who live in Lake Medina, just outside Seattle, Washington, have said they want to give their children as normal an upbringing as possible.

    It was previously reported that their youngsters have to complete household chores and are given a modest smount of pocket money.

    And in 2010 Mr Cates said that he intends to give most of his $ 61 billion fortune away rather than hand it down."That wouldn't be good either for my kids or society," he said.

     Also during the Today Interview with host Matt Lauer, Mr Gates, who stepped down from Microsoft in 2008 to concentrate on philanthropy(慈善事业) , said that helping others gives him same excitement as creating software.

    " What you really feel is what you’ve achieved.If a piece of software gets out there and lots of people love it-it lets them get their work done in better ways-that’s exciting," he explained.

61.Bill Gates will not let his children own a cell phone          

A.until they reach the age of 13                               B.if they don't really need one

C.unless they do some housework                          D.before they become independent

62.Which of the following is true about Bill Gates' children?

A.All his children now have cell phones.

B.Phoebe has her own cell phone.

C.They are not given any pocket money.      

D.Jennifer can use the Internet freely.

63.What does the underlined word "That" refer to in the text?

A.Being a parent as a billionaire.

B.Handing all his money down to his children.

C.Allowing his children to have their phones.

D.Giving away all his money to good causes.

64.What can we learn about Bill Gates from the text?      

A.He is a warm - hearted father to his children.

B.He has created a lot of software since 2008.

C.He now devotes himself to helping others.

D.He cares more about money than anything else.

65.What is the text mainly about?

A.How Bill Gates made himself a billionaire.

B.How Bill Gates deals with his money.

C.How Bill Gates managed his business.

D.How Bill Gates brings up his children.






    The works of Shakespeare and Wordsworth are "rocket-boosters" to the brain and better than the other self-help books,  researchers will say this week.

     Scientists, psychologists and the English experts at Liverpool University have found that reading the works of Shakespeare and other classical writers has a beneficial effect on the mind, catches the reader’s attention and triggers moments of self- reflection.Using scanners, they monitored the brain activity of volunteers as they read the works by William Shakespeare, William Word8worth, T.S Eliot and other classical writers.

     They then "translated" the texts into more "straightforward", modern language and again monitored the readers' brains as they read the words.Scans showed that the more "challenging" articles and poetry set off far more electrical activity in the brain than the modem versions.Scientists were able to study the brain activity as it responded to each word and record how it "lit up" as the readers came across unusual words, surprising phrases or difficult sentence structures.This "lighting up" of the mind lasts longer than the initial electrical spark, shifting the brain to a higher speed, encouraging further reading.

    The research also found that reading poetry, in particular, increases the activities in the right side of the brain, an area concerned with "autobiographical memory", helping readers to reflect on their own experiences in light of what they have read.The experts said this meant the classics were more useful than self-help books.

    Philip Davis, an English professor who has worked on the study with the university, will tell a conference this week: "Serious literature acts like a rocket - booster(火箭助推器)to the brain.”

    "The research shows the power of classical literature to shift mental pathways,  to create new thoughts, shapes and connections in the young and the old alike."

66.The author mentioned Shakespeare and Wordsworth in Paragraph one to       

A.show their great achievements                           B.attract our interest in literature

C.introduce the topic of the text                              D.encourage us to read their works

67.According to the text, reading classical works can        

A.help deal with some physical problems          B.benefit our mind and thinking

C.improve our reading skills               D.help learn more about history

68.The scientists and experts did the experiment by

A.scanning the readers' brain activities                 B.reading works of different writers

C.lighting up the activities of the brains                D.inve8tigating the habits of the readers

69.We can learn from Paragraph 4 that reading poetry

A.is concerned with the right side of the brain

B.has the same effects as reading self-help books

C.helps you forget the things in the past

D.makes you more serious and objective

70.What might be the author's purpose in writing the text?

A.To introduce some great writers in England.

B.To present a study on brain activities.

C.To introduce a research on reading classics.

D.To show the power of classical literature.






    Spring will soon be upon us and a new term is here. All over' the world spring is the season of.new life: flowers bloom, baby animals are born, and the weather becomes warmer.During this time of year, people usually walk around with a spring in their steps and a feeling of fresh beginnings.However, for a fresh beginning it takes more than the bright color1s and fresh air of spring.We need to look at ourselves, set new goals, and decide how to improve ourselves.

    In England people usually do this on the first day of the year. We look at the past year and think about what we' d like to change or improve in our lives, and we call this a New Year' s resolution.These can be anything from improving one' s health through exercise or cutting out bad habits, to studying harder for better grades or trying to find a good work/life balance.

    Luckily, we don' t have to wait for the beginning of a new year to try and become better people.We can do this whenever we like.The milestone of a new term is just a good place to start.

    Sometimes it' s difficult to take the first step in achieving newly set goals, but an old saying is "to begin is to be half-way there." I agree with this because taking on a new task or changing habits can seem daunting at first, but once we begin, they get easier.For example, spending less time on QQ or playing video games and more time studying or communicating face-to-face can be difficult habits to change at first.But once we settle into the new routine and start to see the results,  it' s difficult not to wonder why we didn’t do it sooner.

   The trick with deciding on a resolution for a new term is not to set unrealistic targets. If we do this, it's easy to lose motivation because the end goal seems so far away. Try to make many small targets you want to reach on the way to your ultimate goal.This way, you can see your progress easily.

71.In Paragraph One, the author wants to tell us that spring is a time         

A.to take a walk around outdoors                       B.to enjoy fresh air and bright color1s

C.to set goals for a fresh beginning                    D.for animals to have babies

72.A New Year's resolution is        

A.a decision made to improve ourselves           B.a ceremony to celebrate New Year

C.a promise made to your parents                    D.a recall of what happened last year

73.Which of the following might the author agree with according to Paragraph Four?

A.Be swift to hear, slow to speak.                 B.All that ends well is well.

C. Well begun is half done.                 D.All roads lead to Rome. 

74.What does the underlined word "daunting" probably mean in Paragraph Four?

A. changeable       B. difficult       C. lovely       D. confusing

75.What does the author want to tell us in the last paragraph? 

A.If you see no progress, you'll be discouraged.

B.Whatever happens, stick to your dreams. 

C.Never lose heart when meeting with difficulties.

D.Your goals should be realistic and small.

