
—You look rather pale, Aren’t you feeling well?

—        , I was sick most of the night

A、Not very       B、Never mind       C、Yes, I am       D、Take it easy





He rushed all the way to the station, only         the last train

A、missing        B、to miss          C、having missed    D、missed





She studied English and literature, but she had little interest in      subject

A、another        B、both             C、either          D、one





Please come in the afternoon ,In the morning, he         a report

A、is writing       B、has written       C、wrote          D、will be writing





I’II sit up for a time ,in case I        be wanted
A、need        B、must       C、can      D、may





He showed his railway ticket when          to do so

A、being asked      B、asked           C、asking         D、to be asked





You have only 100 words in          to sum up his speech

A、which           B、that            C、what           D、them





Lisa was twelve         I first came across her as a country doctor

A、whom          B、while           C、when          D、that





Please        this paragraph, and start with the nest one

A、miss           B、skip            C、cover        D、lose





—If you get any information, please plong me ,This is my phone numher


A、not necessarily                    B、sound easy

C、no problem                       D、you’re welcome





The girl decided to         and told the police what she had senn

A、open up         B、keep off       C、make out      D、break down





       gets the job will have a lot of work to do

A、Which          B、That          C、Who         D、Whoever





We now live in         world in which        robots take over much of the work

A、the;不填         B、a;不填      C、a; the        D、the; the





Since you        the work ,you might as well fimish it

A、have started      B、started         C、hadn’t started    D、start





Without your instruction, I        such great progress

A、wouldn’t make            B、hadn’t maed

C、won’t make               D、 wouldn’t have maed






My mother used to ask me what the most important part of the body was, Thuough the years I would 36  what I thought was the correct answer

When I was younger ,I thought 37  was very important to us as humans, so I said ,“My ears,Mommy”

She said,“No Many people are  38 ,But you keep thinking abort it and I will 39  you again soon”

Several years 40  before she asked me again ,Since making my first    41   , I had thought about the correct answer over and over:“Mommy ,sight is very important to everybody,so it must be our 42 ”

She looked at me and answered,“No, your answer is not 43 because there are many people who are blind.”

Over the yeas ,Mother asked me a couple more times and 44 her answer was,“No,but you are betting 45 every year, my child.”

Then last year,my Grandpa died ,Everybody was crying ,When it was our 46 to say ort final good –bye to Grandpa, Mom asked me,“Remember that question?Do you know the 47 yet,my edar?”

I was 48 when she asked me now ,I always thought that was a(n) 49 between her and me ,She saw he 50 on my face and told me, “This question is very important, It 51 that you have really lived your life, My dear ,the most important part is your 52 .”

“Is it because it  53 my head?”I asked

She replied ,“No, it is because it can hold the  54 of a friend or loved one when they cry,Everybody needs a shoulder to cry on sometimes in  55 ,I hope that you have enough love and friends that you sill have a shoulder to cry on when you need it.”

36、A、Look on               B、guess at              C、turn to              D、ask for

37、A、warmth              B、food                            C、sound              D、light

38、A、deaf                             B、craxy                            C、blind                            D、lame

39、A、ask                            B、meet                            C、call                            D、teach

40、A、left                            B、grew                            C、lost                            D、passed

41、A、choice              B、attempt              C、chance              D、impression

42、A、ears                            B、noses                            C、eyes                            D、mouths

43、A、correct              B、wrong              C、clear                            D、obvious

44、A、naturally              B、rarely                            C、always              D、sometimes

45、A、braver              B、simpler              C、slower              D、smarter

46、A、space                            B、turn                            C、heart                            D、voice

47、A、hurt                            B、pain                            C、answer              D、value

48、A、shocked              B、amused              C、excited              D、moved

49、A、exam                            B、game                            C、design              D、treat

50、A、gesture              B、attention              C、tears                            D、confusion

51、A、shows              B、points              C、directs              D、seems

52、A、arms                            B、hand                            C、shoulder              D、feet

53、A、holds up              B、takes on              C、gets on              D、sets up

54、A、love                            B、hand                            C、comfort              D、head

55、A、total                            B、life                            C、view                            D、return



36-40 BCAAD  41-45 BCACD  46-50 BCABD  51-55 ACADB



“Have you ever been in a fight?” I have asked many adults this question throughout my lire ,Often ,I have been given the same answer:“Of course ,when I was in school,”This common an—swer seems to suggest that most boys will fight at some point during their school years ,But as we leave school , we cease to use our fists to solve problcms

It’s possible that when we are young ,we lack the negotiation skills to deal with a situation without using violence , On top of that ,when we enter school we are threst into an environement where we are constantly competing and trying to prove ourselves, We care what other people think and a young man will often try to project a tough guy image

Once we leave school, we are srpposed to be equipped with all necessary problem solving skills, We need to be able to deal with an aggressive situation without hurting others, If an aduit starts a fight ,it shows a major lack of education , However , there are times when a man needs to be a man ,Raising a fist seems socially acceptable ,if it’s done to defend yoursdlf or someone who can’t defend themselves, For example ,a school yard bully gets no respect from his schoolmates,They may fear him but don’t ever mistake that for respect The person who gains respect is my –one who stands against the bully to protect the weaker guys or girls.

Zhang Weijiang , a former official from Shanghai Education Committee said in a talk that boys should know how to fight when necessary ,“Boys who do not fight can hardly achivev any succees in the future ,”he said ,I think he may have chosen the wrong words , It’s not about fighting---it’s about corrage to stand up for what you belivev in ,That will make you a true man.

56、We leam from the first paragraph that most boys       .

A、fight sometimes at school               B、are not in favor of fighing

C、have no self—respect in school           D、don’t get on sell with others

57、Boys fight in school to        .

A、defend themselves                     B、prove themselves

C、protect the weaker ones                 D、be successful

58、If an adult is involved in a fight ,he is        .

A、well respected for his courage            B、consideved to be a true man

C、supposed to be uneducated               D、showing off his power

59、A school yard bully refers to someone who        .

A、fights to achieve                      B、uses his fists to frighten the weakey

C、stands up to protect the weaker          D、is always teady to help others

60、What does the author think of Zhang Weijiang’s words?

A、He can’t agree with him more         B、He thinks that he is joking

C、He is completely wrong              D、He doesn’t wholly agree sith him






The Democraic Repullic of Congo’s largest forest elephant population, located in the Okapi Faunal Reserve, has declined by 37 percent in the last five yeas ,with only 1,700 now remain-ning.

The Wildlife Conservation Scciety (WCS) continue to sound the alarm ,and warn that if poaching (非法守猎) of forest elephants in Congo continues ,they could nearly die out from Afri-ca’s second largest country sithin ten years

According to the latest survey ,5,100,or 75 percent,of the reserrve’s elephants have been killed in the last 15 years ,These numbers are particularly shocking ,as the Okapi Faunal Reserve is considered to be the best protected conservation area in Congo ,According to WCS,the primary reason for the recent decline in forest elephant numbers is ivory poaching.

In the ealy 1990s, before the civil was of 1996-2003, Congo was ly calm, Accord—ing to a 1995-1997 survey of the Ikapi Faunal Reserve , there were approximately 6,800 forest elephants living there.

After the civil war , another survey was carried out in 2005-2007, and found that the ele-phants had suffered heavy losses ,Their population dropped by 60 percent to approximatey 2,700 , Despite this dramatic decline ,the Okapi Faunal Reserve had done much better than other protected areas during the civil war ,For expmple,in salongea Nationas Park ,a huge area that once held the largest elephant population in Congo ,the elephants had declined to less than 1,000, Thus by 2007, the Okapi Faunal Reserve had Congo’s largest remaining forest elephant population

During the war ,the park guards could not protect much of the Okapi Faunal Reserve ,but were able to record elephant kills and ivory poaching ,Since the edn of the civil war ,five years ago ,they have reduced the deciing from about 400 to 170 elephants annually.

61、What might be the author’s prupose in writing the text?

A、To seek help for Congo’s forest elephants

B、To show the importance of the wildlird

C、To raise concern with Congo’s forest elephants

D、To tell a heartbreaking story of a war

62、The environmental disaster in Congo resulted form       .

A、bad naural environments          B、no natural reserves

C、poor living conditions            D、ivory poaching

63、Which might be the worst period for the Okpai Faunal Rescrve?

A、In the early 1990s               B、During the civil war

C、In recent five years              D、After the eivil war

64、Which of the following is trus about the Okapi Faunal Reserye?

A、It’s the largest elephant conservation area in Congo

B、Its elephant population keeps increasing yearly

C、It was overtaken by salonga National Park in 2007

D、It lost most of its elephants in the last 5 years

65、What can we leam fron the last paragraph?

A、The elephant population will stop decliing

B、The park guards lost all hopes during the war

C、The park guards can do nothing to stop the decline

D、The park grards are trying to protect the elephants





Sending your child to piano or violin lessons to improve their academic achievement is a waste of money ,according to some scientist

AIthough research has shown that children who take music lessons are more likely to be top of theis class , psvchologist Glenn Schellenberg claims this Iink is misleading

Instead , improved academic performance may be because brighter chileren from privileged backgrounds are more likely to learn an instrument , rather than music classes helping to improve their intelligence.

“Music may change you a bit, but it’s also the case that different children take music les-sons,”said Professor Schellenberg of the University of Toronto ,He added that parents’ education was the most influential factor.

“Chileren who take music lessons come from families with higher incomes , they come from ffamilies with more educated parents, they also do more extra –curricular activities , they have higher IQs, and they do better at school.”

In tests on 167 chileren who played piano or other instruments, they found their answer to personality tests could predict how likely ys was for them to continue theis nusic lessons.

Those who were more outhoing and conscientious were more likely to continue to play.

“We were motivated by the fact that kids who take music lessons are particularly good students, In school they actually do better than you would predict from their IQ, so obviously something else is going on, ”Prfessor Schellenberg told the American Association for the Ad-vancement of Science(AAAS) annual conference in Boston.

“So we thought that personality might be the thing.”

Asked if so—called helicopter parents were wasting their money sending their children to mu-sic lessons in the belief that they could better their school results ,he said “yes”

“Clearly studying music changes the brain ,but so does any learning ,In fact ,that is what learning is ,”he said

66、What’s the main idea of the text?

A、Learning music helps improve school results

B、Music isn’t the key faclor for school achievements

C、It’s no good to for chileren to play instruments

D、Music has something to do with intelligence

67、What can we learn from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4?

A、Studying music never improves intelligence

B、Different chileren should leam different music

C、Top students mostly attend music lessons

D、Only children from good families learn music

68、What is the most important factor for chileren’s school performance?

A、Their parents’ education           B、Their love for music

C、The teachers’ help                D、Their hardworking

69、We know from the text that       .

A、your character decides what you are   B、outgoing children do better at school

C、personality links to music learning    D、music lessons are not good for all children

70、What does the underlined phrase “helicopter parents”refer to?

A、Well—educated parents

B、Parents having music talents

C、Parents holding high hopes for their kids

D、Strict and serious parents





Simon £ Schuster announced Thursday that Hillary Clinton is going to write a new book—a—bout her experiences traveling around the world ,meeting world leaders and responding to crises as Secretary of State

In the book, she’II discuss the decision to attack the home in Pakistan where Osama Bin Laded was hiding , and the U.S.—backed air war that helped lead to the downfall of Muammar Kadafi in Libya .

Clinton’s book will hit the shelves next year, In other words,she’II be on a book tour a—round the time of the mid –term congressional(议会)elections ,which serve as a final prequel (前篇)to the crucial year –long push before the 2016 presidntial primary season begins.

The former first lady and U.S. senator hasn’t said if she’s going to run yet , But I’m going to go out on a limb and predict that her new book is going to make her look presidential.

“Hillary Clinton’s extraordinary public service has given her a unique viewpoint on reccnt history and the challenges we face,” said jonathan Karp, president and publisher of the simon  £ Schuster publishing group.

The and Schuster says that , among other topice ,is will deal with “the transtions in Irap and Afghanistan; the Arab Spring ;the rise of new powers like China ,Brazil, Turkey ,and India;building  diplomatic coalitions(联盟)to deal with Iran and North Korea.”

The publisher’s press release also says the book “will use a number of dramatic moments during Secretary Clinton’s term as Seerelay of State to frame her thoughs about the recent history of U.S. foreign policy and the urgent ,ongoing need for American Leadership in a changing world”

71、Hillary Clinton’s new book will________.

A.be an acrount of her trip around the globe

B.help her run for the niext U.S.president

C.fous on the hietory of U.S.foreign policy

D.be a guge bestseller when it comes out

72、Which of the following topics will the new book NOT deal with?

A.How Osama Bin Laden was attacked.

B.The downfall of Muammar Kadafi.

C.The rise of new powers in the world stage.

D.The mid-term congressional elections.

73、Which of the following is true according to the text?

A.Hillary was in charge of foreign affairs.

B.Hillary doesn’t work well as Secretary of State.

C.Hillary will be the next Secretary of State.

D.All her books are on America’s foreign relations.

74、The underlined word“frame”in the last paragraph possibly mean________.

A.express                            B.make up                            C.carry on                             D.change

75、What does the text mainly talk about?

A.Hillary Clinton’s public service.                            B.Hillary Clinton’s life story.

C.Hillary Clinton’s new book.                            D.Hillary Clinton’s political career.

