

In eighth grade, I decided to try out for my school musical. I only made it through the first verse(节) before the drama teacher stopped me. It goes without saying that my Christmas song didn’t get me any role.

Am I embarrassed? NO. Not just because it was ten years ago, but also because it’s such a great story to share. Why? I think the main reason is that admitting mistakes makes you easier to relate to. Interestingly enough, science confirms this theory.

Researchers have conducted many studies and have concluded that when someone makes a mistake or acts in a clumsy way, they are found to be more likeable. In other words, if you’re able to do well and then you mess up, it shows your human side. This allows others to connect and relate to you, which in turn makes them like you more.

Growing up, I was type of student who had to get straight A’s and the type of athlete who always had to perform at the top of the game. The problem was that my standards were so ridiculously high that I was never happy. It was only when I learned to let go and forgive myself for my mistakes that I truly felt relaxed.

When one of your close friends or family members makes a mistake, are you quick to forgive and forget? Sadly, many of us often express more sympathy for others than ourselves. With each mistake coming a lesson, you will be better equipped to handle life’s challenges going forward.

More importantly, if you are always worried about looking silly, you will never be able to get improved. Even if you make a fool of yourself, it isn’t the end of the world. Think about it: What’s the worst that can happen? In many cases, the reward often outweighs the risk.

1. By writing the passage, the author wants to tell us ____.

A. it is time to forgive others                            B. everyone may make mistakes

C. it’s okay to make mistakes                            D. what can be done to forgive our mistakes

2. What does the underlined part “this theory” probably refer to?

A. A mistake makes you more likeable.

B. An embarrassed person tends to act clumsily.

C. people mess up in life at times.

D. It’s good to share a great story with others

3. According to the passage, we know the author____.

A. is pleased with her hard work

B. was once a person who wants things to be perfect

C. was happy with her high standard

D. never forgives herself for the mistakes she made

4. What message is delivered in the last two paragraphs?

A. Making a fool of yourself.

B. Viewing mistakes as learning opportunities.

C. Admitting mistakes is risky.

D. People tend to feel sorry for themselves.



1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B

试题分析: 本文通过作者的经历告诉读者,犯错误并没有什么尴尬,只有当你承认你的错误时,你才会得到他人的喜欢,使自己心情愉悦。

1. C 住在大意题。通过这篇文章,作者想告诉我们犯错误是正常的, 没有必要因此而感到羞愧。所以选C

2. A细节理解题。根据文章中第二段最后 I think the main reason is that admitting mistakes makes you easier to relate to. Interestingly enough, science confirms this theory.及第三段开头Researchers have conducted many studies and have concluded that when someone makes a mistake or acts in a clumsy way, they are found to be more likeable. 可知,这里的理论指的是犯错误会更加令人喜欢。所以选A

3. B细节理解题。根据文中倒数第三段 The problem was that my standards were so ridiculously high that I was never happy. It was only when I learned to let go and forgive myself for my mistakes that I truly felt relaxed..可知,作者对自己要求很高,曾经是一个力求完美的人,所以选B

4. B推理判断题。根据文中倒数第二段With each mistake coming a lesson, you will be better equipped to handle life’s challenges going forward.可知,后两段告诉我们要把错误看做一种学习的机会,所以选B


The Spring Festival is supposed to be a period of time entirely for family reunion. However, as people’s enthusiasm for digital hongbao increased, the amount of the time they spend with family members during the holiday decreases. There has been widespread criticism(批评) over digital hongbao that it has alienated family reunion.

“ I used to discuss programs in the Spring Festival Gala(春晚) with my family members , but this year , I hardly had the time to watch the gala because I was staring at my cellphone all the time,” said Kang , a 30 –year old radio station editor. “ I went to Karaoke with my cousins during the holiday, and I was grasping digital hongbao the whole time, even when I was singing Karaoke.”

“On the last day of the holiday, I started to regret spending too much time on these digital hongbao. Therefore, instead of fighting for hongbao, I watched TV with my mom that night. I left home feeling sorry! I should have spent more time with my parents.”

“But Kang said regret came with a sense of achievement when he managed to bring classmates together.

“Next year, I will still play the game, but with less money and for a smaller amount of time,” Kang said.

Dong Chenyu, a teacher from Beijing Foreign Studies University, said it unfair to blame hongbao for destroying family reunion.

“When television was invented, people accused it of standing in the way of face-to-face human communication. The same accusation came up on telephone and text message services when they were first invented. The same goes with digital hongbao,” Dong said.

“It does nothing but offers a new way of human communication. The rest is people’s choice. As long as no one expects to earn money from this and takes this as a means of gambling(赌博), it’s a good way to improve human connections,” Dong said.

5. The underlined word “alienated” in Paragraph 1 most probably means ____.

A. separated                B. reserved                            C. encouraged                                          D. improved

6. How did Mr.Kang feel about digital hongbao according to Paragraph 2?

A. He felt regretted in spending too much money.

B. He had a strong preference for it.

C. He was happy to spend too much of his time.

D. He felt a sense of guilty in getting it.

7. What can we infer from what Mr. Dong said about digital hongbao____.

A. It will bring us trouble in holiday reunion.

B. It will be out of fashion soon in future.

C. Mr. Dong is in favor of the digital hongbao.

D. Lots of people will use it to earn money.

8.What’s mainly described in the passage?

A. The Spring Festival is the best time for family reunion.

B. Digital Hongbao is a double-edged sword.

C. People’s holiday enthusiasm has decreased.

D. Digital hongbao has become a popular way to make money.



5. A 6. B 7. C 8. B

试题分析: 本文主要讲了现在由于电子信息的的发展,出现了数字红包,就是在手机上抢红包,在春节时,人们总是忙于抢红包而忽略了和家人相处,有人批判这种数字红包的出现影响了家人相处,但是也有人不认同这种说法,他们认为数字红包是人们交流的一种新的方式。

5. A 细节理解题。根据文中the amount of the time they spend with family members during the holiday decreases. There has been widespread criticism(批评) over digital hongbao that it has alienated family reunion.。可知,这里指的是:数字红包的出现使得人们和家人相处的时间缩短了,所以这里应该是使得家庭团结变的分离。A. separated分别的;B. reserved保留;C. encouraged鼓励;D. improved提高。所以选A

6. B 细节理解题。根据文中I hardly had the time to watch the gala because I was staring at my cellphone all the time,可知,kang几乎没有时间看春晚,一直盯着手机看,说明他很喜欢数字红包。所以选B

7. C 细节理解题。根据文中最后一段“It does nothing but offers a new way of human communication. 可知,Mr Dong认为数字红包是一种新的交流方式,所以他是支持数字红包的。所以选C

8. B 主旨大意题。对于数字红包不同的人有不同的看法,有人支持,有人反对,所以它是一把双刃剑。所以选B


The way we cook is important. In many countries, the two sources of heat used for cooking are natural gas and electric stoves. The World Health Organization(WHO) warns that millions of people are dying every year from indoor air pollution. The WHO finds that poor cooking, heating and lighting technologies are killing millions of people each year.

Indoor air pollution results from the use of dangerous fuels and cook stoves in the home. WHO officials say nearly three billion people are unable to use clean fuels and technologies for cooking, heating and lighting. And they say more than seven million people die from exposure to indoor or outdoor air pollution each year. Of that number, the WHO says about 4.3 million people die from household air pollution given off by simple biomass(生物燃料)and coal stoves.

These findings show that the home use of poisonous fuels is to blame for many of these deaths. These fuels include wood, coal, animal waste and so on. Carlos Dora is Coordinator in the WHO’ s Department of Public Health, Environmental and Social Determinants of Health. He says people should not use unprocessed coal and kerosene(煤油)fuel indoors. He says opening a window or door to let out the harmful air will not correct the situation. It will only pollute the outdoors. “New technologies and clean fuels can rid people of this problem.”

The United Nations found that more than 95 percent of families in sub-Saharan Africa depend on solid fuels for cooking. It says huge populations in India, China and Latin American countries, such as Guatemala and Peru, are also at risk.

Nigel Bruce is a professor of Public Health at the University of Liverpool. He says researchers are developing good stoves and other equipment to burn fuels in a more efficient way. “There are already many technologies for clean fuels available now. An effective and reasonably low-cost ethanol(酒精)stove that is made by Dometic is now being tested out. Another interesting development is electric induction stoves.” In India, you can buy an induction stove for about $8. And in Africa you can buy a solar lamp for less than $1.

9.  How is Paragraph 2 mainly developed?

A. By making classifications.                                                B. By listing numbers.

C. By following time order.                                                 D. By describing a process.

10.According to Carlos Dora, what is the best solution to indoor air pollution?

A. People should use an effective air cleaner.

B. People should open a window or door to let out the harmful air.

C. People should use new technologies and clean fuels.

D. People should prevent themselves from being exposed to harmful air..

11.What can we learn from the passage?

A. Most of the deaths from indoor pollution are in developing countries.

B. Burning solid fuels can help limit indoor air pollution .

C. People now can buy ethanol stoves made by Dometic in India.

D. There are already two technologies for clean fuels available for use.

12.Which would be the best title for the passage?

A. The way we cook is changing.             B. Types of indoor air pollution.

C. The development of electric stoves.      D. Indoor air pollution kills millions each year.



9. B 10.C 11.A 12.D

试题分析: 本文属于科普文阅读,介绍室内污染造成上百万人的死亡,其主要原因是由于人们使用未经过处理的煤炭和煤油,其主要解决办法是主意依靠新科技发展新能源以及新的燃具。

9. B推理判断题。第二段例举了一系列的数字来说明室内空气污染的严重性。所以选B


Thinking is something you choose to do as a fish chooses to live in water. To be human is to think. But thinking may come naturally without your knowing how you do it. Thinking about thinking is the key to critical thinking. When you think critically, you take control of your thinking processes. Otherwise, you might be controlled by the ideas of others. Indeed, critical thinking is the heart of education.

The word “critical” here has a special meaning. It does not mean taking one against another view, as when someone criticizes another person for doing something wrong. The nature of critical thinking is thinking beyond the easily seen-beyond the pictures on TV, the untrue reports in the newspapers, and the faulty reasoning.

Critical thinking is an attitude as much as an activity. If you are curious about life and desire to dig deeper into it, you are a critical thinker. If you find pleasure in deep thinking about different ideas, characters, and facts, you are a critical thinker.

Activities of the mind and higher-order reasoning are processes of deep and careful consideration. They take time, and do not go hand in hand with the fast speed in today’s world: fast foods, instant coffee, and self-developed film. If you are among the people who believe that speed is a measure of intelligence, you may learn something new from a story about Albert Einstein. The first time Banesh Hoffman, a scientist, was to discuss his work with Albert Einstein, Hoffman was too nervous to speak. But Einstein immediately put Hoffman at ease by saying, “ Please go slowly. I don’t understand things quickly.”

13. Critical thinking is important to us because if we do not think critically, _______.

              A. it will be hard for us to think naturally and fast

                B. we might be controlled by other people’s ideas

                C. we will follow the ideas of others naturally

                D. we might be fooled by other people’s ideas

14. If you are a critical thinker, you will ______.

                A. think deeply about different ideas                          B. trust the reports in the newspapers

                C. take one view against another view                       D. criticize other people for their mistakes

15. What would be the best title for the passage?

                A. What is thinking                                                 B. Understanding Critical Thinking

                C. Thinking Is Natural and Human                                     D. Thinking Fast Means Intelligence 



13. B 14. A 15. B

试题分析: 本文讲的是批判性思考。

13. B 细节理解题。根据文中第一自然段中可以找到“Otherwiseyou might be controlled by the ideas of others.可知,如果我们不批判性的思考,我们会被他人的思想控制。故选B

14. A细节理解题。根据文中第三自然段“If you are curious about life and desire to dig deeper into ityou’re a critical thinker.”可知,如果你是一个批判性思维者,你的想法就会更加深刻,所以选A

15. B细节理解题。根据文中通读全文后,就知道本文讲的是判断性思考,所以选B


Simple Ways You Can Avoid Overeating During Holidays

The holidays are all about best purpose: early finish of shopping, mailing cards on time, and what is the most important one—surviving the year’s fat-filled feeding race. Sorry, we can’t help licking envelopes or shopping that is up to you! But we can arm you with these smart eating tips for indulging(大吃大喝) without weight gain.

__16__ The worst thing you can do is stand around the table at a party and dip into the bowl . You will have no idea how much you are really eating unless you do put your choices on the plate.

Calm yourself. __17__ When someone gets third or orders that second glass of wine, you can go along them naturally. Why do we eat more than we think? If you are surrounded by fast eaters, take a half glass of water between bites to slow down.

Reduce those portions. Choose the smallest plate as possible.  __18__ It has been tested out that whether it is popcorn or even spaghetti the bigger the plate, package or bowl is, the more you are likely to eat.

__19__ Variety might be the best of life, but it is also a recipe for overeating. Researchers found that adults who were offered sandwiches with four different kinds of filling ate a second more than those who got only their favorite ones. So the advice is to pack together similar tastes.

Don’t talk with your mouth full. One of the best ways to keep from employing yourself at a big family dinner is great conversation. So as Mom used to say, before you start chatting first finish chewing. When you talk and eat at the same time, you are not really paying attention to either of them.__20__

A. Control your choices.

B. Always pick up the special food.

C. You look pretty unpleasant as well.

D. Your eyes can trick the stomach.

E. Get away from the table.

F. Feel the taste of each bite.

G. Take your seat near the slowest eater at the table.



16.E 17.G 18.D 19.A 20.C

试题分析: 本文主要讲了假期期间怎样避免大吃大喝,这里作者给了几条建议,如远离餐桌,保持冷静。

16.E 考查对上下文语境的理解。空后的意思是:你做的最糟糕的事情就是在大型的聚会上围在桌子旁,把自己浸泡在碗里。所以这里选E(远离餐桌。)与上下文一致。

17.G 考查对上下文语境的理解。空前的意思是:使自己冷静。空后的意思是:当别人开始第三个或者点了第二杯酒时,你可以跟随着他们。所以这里选G(坐在一个吃的慢的人旁边。)与上下文一致。





Christmas just isn’t the same any more. When I was growing up, it was my   21  holiday. I’d get up early and run to the tree to find a dozen   22   from Santa and then spend the rest of the morning playing with toys along with my three sisters. Before long,   23  , the truth about Santa came out. Santa was dad. And dad’s salary as a   24   wasn’t growing at the same rate as inflation (通货膨胀). So over the years, a dozen gifts for each child    25   became six, then four, then two.    26   I sat in the living room in late December, home for a few weeks between semesters of college, I had one present to open.

The Christmas ritual (仪式) in our family was to open gifts on Christmas Eve. We were sitting around in a circle and the unwrapping    27   continued. The ritual lasted about ten minutes. And then something   28  happened.

My mother said, “There’s one more gift I want to show you.” And with her   29  , she disappeared to her bedroom. Minutes later, mom reappeared with an attractive red dress.

“It’s   30   , mom,” my older sister said, breaking the silence.

Through a voice choked with emotion and a smile that could   31  the universe, mom said quietly, “For the first time in 12 years, your father   32   a Christmas bonus (奖金) from school. And with the bonus, he bought this dress for me.”

All eyes moved   33  dad. I’d only seen dad cry once. It was the day his father died. And now, with mom’s announcement, he was on the point of bursting into   34  once again. Suddenly, the   35  of Christmas, which I had unfortunately    36   to gifts, returned on a wave of gratitude, flooding my heart like nothing I’d ever    37    . I was overwhelmed with appreciation for dad.

I’ve heard it said that the    38   thing a father can do for his children is to always show   39  for their mother. Today, dad’s   40  and generosity changed me.

21. A. special                                              B. favorite                                   C. dull                                      D. funny

22. A. toys                                                 B. shoes                                                 C. gifts                                     D. socks

23. A. however                                   B. therefore                                             C. anyhow                       D. besides

24. A. clerk                                                  B. doctor                                   C. lawyer                        D. teacher

25. A. actually                                                B. naturally                                 C. eventually                     D. probably

26. A. As                                                    B. Since                                    C. If                                                            D. Whether

27. A. form                                       B. task                                      C. period                         D. ceremony

28. A. common                                   B. unusual                                   C. wrong                                             D. interesting

29. A. announcement                              B. notice                                    C. expression                                D. Explanation

30. A. funny                                                B. expensive                               C. beautiful                                 D. Large

31. A. break down                                          B. light up                      C. drop out                                  D. meet with

32. A. lent                                                           B. borrowed                                  C. found                                   D. got

33. A. to                                                   B. with                                   C. for                                                 D. from

34. A. joy                                        B. pain                                             C. tears                                               D. smiles

35. A. sense                                                B. spirit                                   C. custom                                            D. content

36. A. left                                        B. turned                                               C. passed                                 D. linked

37. A. experienced                                B. expected                                  C. understood                                D. appreciated

38. A. last                                                 B. best                                    C. hardest                                D. first

39. A. fear                                       B. excitement                                 C. love                                                D. curiosity

40. A. grace                                   B. unselfishness                  C. honesty                                            D. consideration



21.B 22.C 23.A 24.D 25.C 26.A 27.D 28.B 29.A 30.C

31.B 32.D 33.A 34.C 35.B 36.D 37.A 38.B 39.C 40.D


21B 考查形容词以及对语境的理解。A. special 特殊的; B. favorite 最喜欢的;C. dull 迟钝的;D. funny有趣的。这里的意思是:当我长大后,这是我最喜欢的假期。故选B

22C 考查名词以及对语境的理解。A. toys 玩具;B. shoes鞋子;C. gifts礼物;D. socks 袜子。这里指的是从圣诞老人那里得到的礼物。故选C

23A 考查连词以及对语境的理解。A. however 然而;B. therefore 所以;C. anyhow不管怎样;D. Besides除此之外。这里是转折关系。故选A

24D 考查名词以及对语境的理解。A. clerk 牧师;B. doctor医生;C. lawyer 律师;D. teacher老师。这里的意思是:父亲的工资作为一个老师不会因通货膨胀而增加。故选D

25C 考查副词以及对语境的理解。 A. actually 事实上;B. naturally 自然地;C. eventually 最终;D. probably可能。这里指的是最终礼物变的越来越少。故选C


27D考查名词以及对语境的理解。A. form 形式;B. task任务;C. period 阶段;D. ceremony礼仪。这里的意思是:仪式继续着,ritualceremony都表示仪式的意思,故选D

28.B 考查形容词以及对语境的理解。A. common 普通的; B. unusual 不寻常;C. wrong 错误;D. interesting有趣的。这里的意思是:不同寻常的事情发生了。故选B

36.D考查动词短语以及对语境的理解。link to……有联系,这里指的是圣诞节和礼物联系在一起。故选D

37.A考查名词以及对语境的理解。A. experienced经历 B.expected 期望;C. understood 理解; D. appreciated欣赏。这里指的是:我曾经经历的。故选A

38.B考查形容词比较级以及对语境的理解。A. last 最后的;B. best 最好的;C. hardest 最难的; D. first最初的。这里指的是:父亲能为孩子做的最好的事情。故选B

39.C考查名词以及对语境的理解。A. fear 恐惧;B. excitement兴奋;C. love爱; D. Curiosity好奇心。这里指的是:展示给孩子们父亲对母亲的爱。故选C

40.D考查名词以及对语境的理解。A. grace恩惠;B. unselfishness无私的;C. honesty 诚实;D. Consideration关心。这里指的是:父亲的关心和慷慨改变了我。故选D


When someone has deeply hurt you, it can be very difficult to let go of your anger. But forgiveness is possible --- and it can be surprisingly  41  (benefit) to your physical and mental health. So far, research 42  (show) that people who forgive can have more energy, better appetite and better sleep. “People who forgive show  43  (little) anger and more hopefulness,” says Dr. Frederic Luskin, who wrote the book Forgive for Good. “So it can help reduce the tiredness out of the immune system and allow people          44    (feel) more energetic.”

So when someone has hurt you, cool down first. Take a couple of breaths and think of something    _45 gives you pleasure: a beautiful scene in nature, or someone you love. Don’t wait for an    46  (apologize). “Many times the person who hurt you may never think of apologizing,” says Dr. Luskin. “They may have wanted to hurt you or they just don’t see things in  47  same way. So if you wait for people to say sorry, you could be waiting a very long time.”

Next keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean  48   (accept) the action of the person who upsets you. Instead, learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness around you. Finally, try to see things from the other person’s perspective. You may realize  49  he or she was acting out of ignorance. To gain perspective, you may want to write a letter to 50   (you) from that person’s point of view.




42.has shown


44.to feel








41.beneficial 考查短语。be beneficial to……有益,为固定短语,所以这里需用形容词。

42.has shown 考查现在完成时。so far与现在完成时连用,所以这里需用现在完成时,需填has shown

43.less考查比较级。由后文的more helpful可知,该空需用比较级形式,little的比较级为less

44.to feel考查连词。allow sb to do sth允许某人做某事,所以该空需填to feel


46.apology 考查名词。冠词an后需用名词,apologize为动词,需改为名词apology

47.the考查短语。in the same way用同样的方式,为固定短语,所以该空需填the

48.accepting考查固定搭配。mean doing sth意味着做某事,为固定搭配

49.that 考查宾语从句。这里that引导的宾语从句做realize的宾语。

50.yourself 考查反身代词。这里指的是给自己写信,所以需用反身代词yourself








Dear Mary,

Our city had changed a lot in the past 5 years. Firstly, more high buildings have appeared, that are modern and beautiful. Many overpasses have set up, so it has become very convenient for people to travel. However, many families have got car of their own. The people’s life here has become rich or color1ful. People can enjoy themselves travelling on the holiday. To my delighted, I can taste delicious food of different countries. And now it is easy for me to keep touch with you than before, for I can email you in my office.





Dear Mary,

Our city had changed a lot in the past 5 years. Firstly, more high buildings have appeared, that

has which

are modern and beautiful. Many overpasses have set up, so it has become very convenient for


people to travel. However, many families have got car of their own. The people’s life here has

Besides cars

become rich or color1ful. People can enjoy themselves travelling on the holiday. To my delighted, I

and 去掉 delight

can taste delicious food of different countries. And now it is easy for me to keep touch with you

easier in

than before, for I can email you in my office.




51.had→has 考查现在完成时。In the past five years与现在完成时连用,所以这里需将had改为has


53.have后加been考查被动语态。Building 做主语时,该句需用被动语态,所以这里需在have后加been

54.However → Besides考查连词。however然而,表示转折关系,这里表示顺承关系,所以需改为besides

55.car→ cars考查名词复数。这里car不止一个,所以需用复数形式。

56.or→ and 考查连词。Richcolor1ful是并列的关系,or表示选择关系,所以这里需改为and

57.the去掉 考查短语。On holiday在假期,为固定短语,所以这里需去掉the

58.delighted →delight考查短语。To one’s delight令某人高兴的是,这里delight需用名词,所以需将delighted改为delight

59.easy→easier 考查比较级。由than可知,该句需用比较级,所以这里easy需改为比较级形式easier

60.keep后加in考查短语。Keep in touch with sb和某人保持联系,为固定短语,所以这里需加in


近年来全球极端气候和重大自然灾害越来越频繁,其中很大一部分原因是由于人类活动所造成的。China Daily举行征文活动,警示人们要保护环境。请你写一篇短文,参加征文活动。


1. 要列举极端气候或自然灾害及其造成的影响;

2. 分析原因;

3. 呼吁人们关爱地球,保护环境。




Over the past years, there have been frequent extreme weather and natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, snowstorms, earthquakes and so on. These have killed millions of people and destroyed countless homes.

Improper human activities contribute a lot to those disasters. We have cut down too many trees, badly polluted the environment, and wasted plenty of resources. What we do is threatening human survival and development.

So it is high time that we protected our environment. We should plant more trees, reduce the use of vehicles, and save resources like water and electricity. Everyone can make a difference to the environment. Only if we stop damaging the earth and do our best to protect it can we make world a pleasant place to live in.


【亮点说明】本文层次分明,结构紧凑,语言连贯。同时使用了多种句式和结构。比如主语从句So it is high time that we protected our environment.What we do is threatening human survival and development.倒装句Only if we stop damaging the earth and do our best to protect it can we make world a pleasant place to live in.