
Winter is coming, and some parts of the world are already covered with deep snow. The best way to warm those cold hands is a cup of hot sweet chocolate. Hot chocolate has been used for many years to treat diseases and fight bad moods. It’s known as a special healthy drink from the 16th to 19th centuries, and sometimes was taken as a medicine. Nowadays people don’t consider hot chocolate as a medicine, but drink even more than ever! There are plenty of tasty and healthy hot chocolate recipes(烹饪法) you can try to enjoy the following health benefits of drinking hot chocolate.

It improves your brain power

The study shows that drinking hot chocolate can help improve your brain power and your brain health. The flavonoids (类黄酮) in hot chocolate increase the blood flow and oxygen to your brain, helping you think better. If you want to improve your memory, try drinking two cups of hot chocolate a day. Not only will you improve your memory, but your mood as well. Just make sure you don’t use too much sugar in your hot chocolate.

It improves your mood

Chocolate, including hot chocolate, is well-known mood booster. This tasty drink helps fight stress, anxiety, and depression. But the problem is, hot chocolate may contain high amounts of sugar. Consider making sugar-free hot chocolate to get all its mood-improving properties(特性).

It can help you lose weight

If you are trying to drop a few pounds, drinking hot chocolate can help you achieve your weight loss goal. When made correctly, hot chocolate is a delicious and low calorie drink that you can enjoy every time you have chocolate desire. Besides, drinking a cup of low calorie hot chocolate helps prevent the intake of high-calorie and sugar foods like cakes.

Now that you’re aware of some of the best health benefits of drinking chocolate, what are you waiting for? Rush into your kitchen and make this fantastic winter drink.

21. Hot chocolate is popular in winter because       .

A. it can make your cold hands warm                                          B. it has been used for many years

C. it was used to treat kinds of illnesses                            D. it is regarded as the healthiest drink

22. In the passage the author mainly talks about       .

A. different hot chocolate recipes                                          B. materials used to make hot chocolate

C. side effects from drinking chocolate                            D. benefits of drinking hot chocolate

23. It can be inferred from the passage that       .

A. hot chocolate is the only way to improve mood

B. most people can be addicted to chocolate

C. remember never to have sugar in drink

D. food in low calorie makes you healthy



21-23 ADD


   The repairman told me , “No charge ,Professor Pan!” We’re friends.

   “I’d rather pay ,” I replied.“If it’s free, I can’t afford it !”

   Chinese often refuse payment for professional services, insisting, “We’re friends now !” But then they show up later to ask me to tutor them in English, or get them into an American university, and I wish I’d have just paid the 30 yuan I owed them in the first place!

   According to the Americans, “There is no free lunch.”, means that there’s a price for everything. And I’m always looking around to figure out what this means.

Many of our neighbours have given us fruit or flowers or costly teas, never asking anything in return.  For years, a bicycle repairman has repeatedly refused to let me pay him. “Wait until you have something major to fix !” he insists.

     I mentioned to a peasant friend that I wished I had a stone mill to grind (磨) flour for bread. A month later he showed up with a beautiful mill that he and his uncle in the countryside had carved from a solid block of stone.

Chinese generosity is a real education for Americans like me, who would rather avoid social entanglements (纠纷) and just hand over the money. But cash can’t compensate (补偿) for the greatest gift----friendship.

When an American saw some of my friends sitting on bamboo stools under the trees, sipping (呷) tea, he said , “They must have nothing better to do.” “Actually,” I said ,”they are professors, with plenty to do. But probably you are right in saying that, at this moment ,they have nothing better to do. And neither do I!”

    And I joined the group.When chatting about tea and Chinese cooking and how much my boys have grown since we arrived ,one man said , “They were pocket-sized when you came here.Now they’re taller than you.How time flies !.”

How life flies.And Chinese are smart enough to share what they know they cannot keep.They freely give off their time, never too busy to help a friend.And they are teaching me ,slowly ,to both give and receive.So the next time someone says , “No charge.We’re friends !” I will thank them heartily.But if they show up later asking me to tutor them in English, I’ll make sure they tutor my son in Chinese as well, because there’s still no free lunch.

24.Why did the author insist paying the repairman while he was offered free repairs?

A. Because he was an upright man.

B. Because he didn’t know the repair man

C. Because he thought it natural to pay for other’s service.

D. Because he didn’t want to help others in return.

25. Generally ,the author thinks that ________.

A. Chinese are generous always ready to help their friends

B. Chinese are good at exchange of equal values

C. Chinese are free enough to drink and chat with their friends

D. Chinese are helpful but don’t treasure time

26. The best title for the passage should be “__________”

A. Still No Free lunch                                                                       B. A Good Lesson From Chinese

C. True Help or Not                                                                       D. Learn to Both Give And Receive

27.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. All the Chinese that once gave the author help have asked him to tutor them in English

B. When a peasant knew the author needed a mill, he made one for the author himself

C.The author thinks that Chinese are wise enough to enjoy the limited life .

D. The author thinks little of the Chinese way of life.



24-27 CAAC


Getting rid of dirt, in the opinion of most people, is a good thing. However, there is nothing fixed about attitudes to dirt.

In the early 16th century, people thought that dirt on the skin was a means to block out disease, as medical opinion had it that washing off dirt with hot water could open up the skin and let ills in. A particular danger was thought to lie in public baths. By 1538, the French king had closed the bath houses in his kingdom. So did the king of England in 1546. Thus it began a long time when the rich and the poor in Europe lived with dirt in a friendly way. Henry IV, King of France, was famously dirty. Upon learning that a nobleman had taken a bath, the king ordered that, to avoid the attack of disease, the nobleman should not go out.

Though the belief in the merit of dirt was long-lived, dirt has no longer been regarded as a nice neighbor ever since the 18th century. Scientifically speaking, cleaning away dirt is good to health. Clean water supply and hand washing are practical means of preventing disease. Yet, it seems that standards of cleanliness have moved beyond science since World War Ⅱ. Advertisements repeatedly sell the idea; clothes need to be whiter than white, cloths ever softer, surfaces to shine. Has the hate for dirt, however, gone too far?

Attitudes to dirt still differ hugely nowadays. Many first-time parents nervously try to warn their children of touching dirt, which might be responsible for the spread of disease. On the contrary, Mary Ruebush, an American immunologist(免疫学家),encourages children to play in the dirt to build up a strong immune system. And the latter position is gaining some ground.

28. The kings of France and England in the 16th century closed bath houses because____       .

A. they lived healthily in a dirty environment.

B they thought bath houses were to dirty to stay in

C. they believed disease could be spread in public baths

D. they considered bathing as the cause of skin disease

29. Which of the following best describes Henry IV’s attitude to bathing?

A. Afraid                                          B. Curious                                          C. Approving                                          D. Uninterested

30. How does the passage mainly develop?

A. By providing examples.                                                                      B. By making comparisons.

C. By following the order of time.                                          D. By following the order of importance.

31. What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?

A. To stress the role of dirt.                                                        B. To introduce the history of dirt.

C. To call attention to the danger of dirt.                            D. To present the change of views on dirt.



28-31  CACD


Some people are so rude!

Who sends an e-mail or a text message that just says “Thank you”? Who leaves a voice mail message rather than texts you? Who asks for a fact easily found on Google? Don't these people realize that they're wasting your time?

Maybe I'm the rude one for not appreciating life's little politeness. But many social agreed standards just don't make sense to people drowning in digital communication.

In texts, you don't have to declare who you are or even say hello; E-mail, too, is slower than a text; Voice mail is a now impolite way of trying to connect.

My father learned this lesson after leaving me a dozen voice mail messages, none of which I listened to. Exasperated, he called my sister to express his dissatisfaction that I never returned his phone calls. “Why are you leaving him voice mails?” my sister asked. “Just text him.”

In the age of the smartphone, there is no reason to ask once-acceptable questions about: the weather forecast, a business's phone number, or directions to a house, a restaurant, which can be easily found on Google Maps. But people still ask these things. And when you answer, they respond with a thank-you e-mail.

How to handle these differing standards? Easy: Consider your audience. Some people, especially older ones, appreciate a thank-you message. Others, like me, want no reply.

The anthropologist(人类学家) Margaret Mead once said that in traditional societies, the young learn from the old. But in modern societies, the old can also learn from the young. Here's hoping that politeness never goes out of fashion but that time-wasting forms of communication do.

32. What does the underlined word "exasperated" mean in the fifth paragraph?

  A. Worried.              B. Annoyed.              C. Surprised.              D. Tired.

33. Why didn't the writer reply to his father?

  A. He didn’t want to talk with his father.            B. He liked text messages better.

  C. He didn’t receive any voice mail messages.              D. He enjoyed checking his voice mails.

34. Which of the following does the writer agree to?

  A. Dealing with voice mail should vary with each individual.

  B. Declaring who they are or saying hello in texts is necessary

  C. People needn't learn from one another in traditional societies.

  D. People needn’t turn to Google for help when in trouble.

35. What's the best title of this passage?

  A. Nowadays: what means should we use in communication

  B. Nowadays: do you like leaving others a voice message

  C. Nowadays: what should we do with text messages

  D. Nowadays: do you need a thank-you message



32-35 BBAA


Ways to be safe in school

    School safety issues involve more than violence. It may also address such concern as natural disasters, illness, fire and local emergencies.   36 

Have a plan

Teachers and students should know where to go and what to do in case of a school security situation.   37  Schools can also post guidelines in each classroom with simple pictures pointing out emergency exits, fire extinguishers(灭火器), and other emergency equipment.

Screen visitors

  38  Give school visitors temporary badges(证章) to identify them. Install cameras at all entrances and restrict access as much as possible. Ask teachers and hall monitors to stop anyone in the halls without appropriate identification.

Panic buttons

Provide teachers with panic button in classroom so they can ask for help immediately. Provide clear and brief instructions about use and immediate response when started.   39 

Establish a hotline

Establish a hotline so students can report crimes and threats anonymously(匿名地). Post the number in obvious locations so students can see it on a regular basis.   40  Establish a student disciplinary committee, and develop peer counseling programs for newcomers and victims of bullying(欺负).

A. Teachers and students should be certain that immediate help will arrive.

B. Visitors are not allowed to enter schools.

C. Students may report crimes and threats more quickly without being identified.

D. Require that all visitors enter the security office and explain why they are there.

E. It is said that about 16,000 students die in school accidents every year in China.

F. So what can we do to make the school a safer place?

G. Just as schools practice fire drills, they can conduct safety drills.



36-40 FGDAC


I am a social worker. I wanted to tell everyone about my very dear friend who passed away a few months ago.

I met him many years ago while doing my internship (实习)in the county prison. He was 41  a program he had designed to help prisoners with drug and alcohol problems. He was always   42  new ways to bring hope and help to these men and their   43  .

    One of his favorite   44  was the Toy Drive he would run every Christmas for the children of the prisoners. He did this for twenty years   45  his sudden death. As last Christmas   46  , I decided that this tradition had to be   47  , for the children as well as the   48  of my friend.

But the file where he kept the names of the people who had helped him over the years had gone   49  . I had to start anew(重新)and with very little   50  ! I started making phones calls, explaining about the project and my   51  . I prayed every night that the event would,   52  , be worthy of my friend.

To my great   53 , individuals, churches and businesses began to come on board and,  __54  , I had enough toys to give to all the children of the prisoners with some left over for the local community   55  !

    When Christmas Eve finally arrived, I felt very happy, thinking I had done all I could do and reflecting on what a(n)  56  it had been for me. I was bagging up the remaining toys   57  if there was anyone left who might like them. Then my phone rang.

It was my daughter. She   58  to explain about a woman she knew in Kentucky who had five children, one seriously ill, no husband, no heating in the home, no toys!

Ohh--how could we not?

    My daughter and I drove all night, from New York to Kentucky, and those children woke up in a nice warm house with plenty of   59 !

My friend’s   60  of kindness lived on that year, reaching all the way to Kentucky!

41. A. recording              B. directing              C. attending              D. improving

42. A. coming up with  B. catching up with    C. keeping up with      D. putting up with             

43. A. company              B. family              C. group                    D. club

44. A. hobbies              B. sports              C. events              D. games

45. A. until                 B. after              C. because              D. since

46. A. finished              B. arrived              C. followed              D. approached

47. A. lived on              B. lived out              C. carried on          D. carried out                           

48. A. pleasure              B. memory              C. benefit              D. favor

49. A. extra              B. hiding              C. active                    D. missing

50. A. energy              B. time              C. pressure              D. confidence

51. A. difficulties              B. impression              C. atmosphere              D. importance

52. A. however              B. though              C. otherwise              D. somehow

53. A. disappointment  B. curiosity              C. thought              D. relief

54. A. ly              B. eventually                            C. generally              D. occasionally

55. A. as well              B. at first              C. in particular              D. once more             

56. A. pity                 B. honor              C. burden              D. discovery

57. A. wondering              B. realizing              C. predicting              D. evaluating

58. A. came              B. drove              C. called                    D. returned

59. A. candies              B. flowers              C. chocolates              D. toys

60. A. courage              B. spirit              C. position              D. attention





41. B 朋友负责 (direct) 该项目。

42. A 43. B 朋友总能想出 (come up with) 新办法,给接受治疗者及其家人 (family) 带来希望与帮助。

44. C Toy Drive是该项目下的一项活动 ( event )。从第4段最后一句也可找到该词。

45. A 朋友一直在做这项工作直到几个月前突然去世。

46. D 圣诞节临近 (approach),但还没到。

47. C传承下去(carry on)live on不用被动语态。

48. B作者这样做不仅是为了那些孩子, 同时也未缅怀自己的朋友。

49. D 可惜的是朋友曾经记录的捐赠人的信息文件不见了(missing)

50. B圣诞马上到来,故时间紧迫。

51. A作者打电话请求帮助,向大家说明自己遇到的困难 (difficulties)

52. D 每天晚上作者祈祷,希望从某种方式 (somehow)来说,自己所做的不辜负朋友的初衷。

53. D 经过作者的努力,它可以如释重负了(to one’s relief )

54. B在许多人的帮助下,终于( eventually) 有了足够的玩具。

55. A 作者在募集到足够玩具的同时,也 (as well) 为当地社区留了许多玩具。

56. B作者在圣诞节来时圆满完成了自己的计划觉得是一件很光荣的事 (honour)

57. A.作者在整理剩余玩具时想着 (wondering) 是否还有人需要这些玩具。

58. C.上文提到女儿打电话来,所以选择C 项。

59. D. Toy Drive 活动主要是给孩子们提供玩具。

60. B 作者的朋友虽然远去,但是他的友善精神 (spirit ) 却永存。


In China, the history of people planting and using bamboo can date back to as far as 7000 years. As early as the Shang Dynasty, bamboo was being used in ancient people’s daily lives. It was used for food, clothing, housing, transportation,   61  (music) instruments and even weapons.

The   62  (apply) of bamboo in science and technology is thrilling. In 251 BC, Li Bing, in Sichuan,   63  (lead) the local people in building the Dujiang Weirs, the first irrigation network in the world, in which bamboo played   64  important role. The world’s oldest water pipe was also   65  (make) of bamboo. During the Han Dynasty, the people in Sichuan   66  (success) sank a 1600-metre-deep well with thick bamboo ropes. This technology did not spread to Europe   67  the 19th century, and it was by using the technology   68  the Americans drilled the first oil well in Pennsylvania in 1859.

In Chinese culture, bamboo is well-known as   69  of the “four gentlemen” in plants. To many distinguished men, bamboo is a symbol of goodness and honesty. It is always closely related to people of positive spirits. Bamboo culture contributes to encouraging people to hold on when   70  (face) tough situations.



61.musical 62. application 63. led 64. an 65.made

66. successfully 67. until 68. that 69. one 70. facing








      2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

There is an English saying “It never rains but it pours”.I now believe it was probably true. Last Saturday, I had a terrible time. It was rather cold, or quite sunny, so after lunch I went downtown, plan to buy a sweater. I was looking at the window of clothes shop when someone stole my wallet. While I was going to home, it started to rain and I arrived home coldly and miserable. I decided to have a hot bath. I was getting ready to have my bath while the doorbell rang. It was a salesman and it took me several minute to get rid of him. Unfortunate, all the time he was talking to us, the water was running. You can imagine the state of the bathroom!



There is an English saying “It never rains but it pours”I now believe it was probably true.


Last Saturday, I had a terrible time. It was rather cold, or quite sunny, so after lunch I went


downtown, plan to buy a sweater. I was looking at the window of clothes shop when someone

planning a

stole my wallet. While I was going to home, it started to rain and I arrived home coldly and

to cold

miserable. I decided to have a hot bath. I was getting ready to have my bath while the doorbell


rang. It was a salesman and it took me several minute to get rid of him. Unfortunate, all the time

minutes Unfortunately

he was talking to us, the water was running. You can imagine the state of the bathroom!



    现在,全民倡导健康生活,请你以 “ Healthy Lifestyle” 为题,用英文写一篇短文,内


1. 你认为的健康生活方式;

2. 你认为该生活方式健康的理由两点(如: 疾病,环保……)。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

      2. 题目已为你写好;

      3. 行文连贯,语篇完整;

      4. 文中不得透露个人真实信息。


Healthy Lifestyle




Keeping healthy is a hot topic discussed by many common people, and having a healthy lifestyle is very important for us. So what is your healthy lifestyle?

Generally speaking, keeping a balanced diet and taking exercise regularly are recognized as a healthy lifestyle. But I have a different view. Traveling around instead of staying at home and chatting with others on line for a long time is a healthy lifestyle.

Traveling around can help us build up our body and keep energetic, and thus we can keep away from diseases. Certainly we can gain much knowledge from vivid nature and society while traveling in a real world.