
Around this time a few years ago, it was common to see videos of friends on social media having a bucket of icy water thrown on them. Known as the “ice bucket challenge”, it was created as a way to raise money for the medical condition ALS. But now, there’s a new challenge and this time, no water is involved.

What is it? Well, think of a fruit that you’d never normally sink your teeth into. Perhaps you’ve got it: a lemon. While we enjoy using lemons to add flavor to dishes, very few of us would actually eat one as we’d eat an apple or an orange.

But the horrible taste is the precise reason why the “lemon face challenge” is taking off. Participants bite into a lemon, taking a selfie as they do it before posting the photo online. The fun is all about expression people make as all that citric acid (柠檬酸) hits their taste buds (味蕾). Every expression seems to say, “This is worse than freezing water.”

The serious side to this trend is the good cause it’s all in aid of. The challenge aims to raise awareness of a rare brain cancer that affects young children. It was started by Aubregh Nicholas, an 11-year-old US kid. She was diagnosed with this rare brain cancer herself in September 2017, but has since raised almost $50000 to cover her medical expenses thanks to the challenge.

If a challenge is going to raise publicity and contributions from people, it has to be something interesting and original. That way the ice bucket challenge took off in 2014 and it explains why so many people are now sharing their lemon faces. There are a lot of stories about the downside of social media these days. The charity challenges, however, show how online culture can unite the world and bring help to the people who most need it.

1. Why is the icy bucket challenge mentioned m the article.

A. to show how charity gained its popularity online.

B. to introduce a similar challenge that raises money for charity.

C. to attract people’s attention to a rare disease.

D. to prove its popularity around the world.

2. Compared with the pre-Internet charity, what is the advantage of online charity?

A. It raises more money than ever before.

B. It is started by the people who suffer rare diseases.

C. It brings people together easily and quickly.

D. It causes little doubt among people.

3. What does the underlined phrase “take off’ in the last paragraph mean?

A. go away suddenly    B. become successful and popular

C. remove your clothes    D. take a break

4. What is the author’s attitude towards online charity?

A. positive    B. indifferent

C. negative    D. ambiguous



1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A




推理判断题。根据第一段中it was common to see videos of friends on social media having a bucket of icy water thrown on them. Known as the “ice bucket challenge”, it was created as a way to raise money for the medical condition ALS. But now, there’s a new challenge and this time, no water is involved.可知,在文章中提到了冰桶挑战是为了引入一个类似的挑战,为慈善事业筹集资金。故选B


推理判断题。根据最后一段中That way the ice bucket challenge took off in 2014 and it explains why so many people are now sharing their lemon faces. There are a lot of stories about the downside of social media these days. The charity challenges, however, show how online culture can unite the world and bring help to the people who most need it.可知,与互联网前的慈善机构相比,在线慈善的优势是它能让人们轻松快速地聚在一起。故选C


词义猜测题。根据最后一段中If a challenge is going to raise publicity and contributions from people, it has to be something interesting and original. That way the ice bucket challenge took off in 2014 and it explains why so many people are now sharing their lemon faces.可知,如果一个挑战是要提高公众的知名度和贡献,那就必须是一些有趣和原创的东西。就是这样,冰桶挑战2014年获得成功,这也解释了为什么现在有那么多人在分享他们的柠檬脸。由此推知划线词的意思是获得成功,故选B


推理判断题。根据最后一段最后两句There are a lot of stories about the downside of social media these days. The charity challenges, however, show how online culture can unite the world and bring help to the people who most need it.可知,作者对在线慈善的态度是肯定的,故选A

【点睛】抓住特定信息进行逆向或正向推理做此类试题要善于抓住某一段话中的关键信息,即某些关键词或短语去分析、推理、判断,利用逆向思维或正面推理,从而推断出这句话所隐含的深层含义。本题第4小题根据最后一段最后两句There are a lot of stories about the downside of social media these days. The charity challenges, however, show how online culture can unite the world and bring help to the people who most need it.可知,作者对在线慈善的态度是肯定的


Healthy Habits Survey shows that only about one third of American seniors have correct habits. Here are some findings and expert advice.

1. How many times did you brush your teeth yesterday?

Finding: A full 33% of seniors brush their teeth only once a day.

Step: Remove the 300 types of bacteria in your mouth each morning with a battery-operated toothbrush. Brush gently for 2 minutes, at least twice a day.

2. How many times did you wash your hands or bathe yesterday?

Finding: Seniors, on average, bathe fewer than 3 days a week. And nearly 30% wash their hands only 4 times a day---half of the number which doctors recommend.

Step: We touch our faces around 3,000 times a day-often inviting germs(病菌)to enter our mouth, nose, and eyes. Use toilet paper to avoid touching the door handle. And, most important, wash your hands often with hot running water and soap for 20 seconds.

3. How often do you think about fighting germs?

Finding: Seniors are not fighting germs as well as they should.

Step: Do you know it is not your toilet but your kitchen sponge(海绵)that can carry more germs than anything else? To kill these germs, keep your sponge in the microwave for 10 seconds.

5. What is found out about American seniors?

A. About one third of them brush their teeth only once a day.

B. Most of them have good habits.

C. Nearly 30% of them bathe three days a week.

D. All of them are fighting germs better than expected.

6. Doctors suggest that people should wash their hands          .

A. eight times a day    B. three times a day

C. four times a day    D. twice a day

7. Which of the following is true according to the text?

A. We should keep from touching our faces.

B. There are less than 300 types of bacteria in the mouth.

C. We should wash our hands before touching a door handle.

D. A kitchen sponge can carry more germs than a toilet.

8. The text probably comes from         .

A. a guide book    B. a book review

C. a popular magazine    D. an official document (文件)



5. A 6. A 7. D 8. C



细节理解题。根据第二段A full 33% of seniors brush their teeth only once a day.可知,三分之一老人每天刷牙,故选A


细节理解题。根据And nearly 30% wash their hands only 4 times a dayhalf of the number doctors recommend可知, 约有三分之一一天洗手四次,只有医生推荐的一半,故选A


细节理解题。根据最后一段Do you know it is not your toilet but your kitchen sponge(海绵)that can carry more germs than anything else?可知,厨房海绵携带的细菌比厕所还多,故选D


推理判断题。根据第一段The Healthy Habits Survey shows that only about one third of American seniors have correct habits. Here are some findings and expert advice.可知,本文出自杂志,故选C


As technology develops, school students who are off class may have no fear of too much absence from class. A small robot may help those children recovering from a long-term illnesses in the hospital or at home. These children may feel isolated from their friends and classmates. The robot takes their place at school. Through the robot, the children can hear their teachers and friends. They also can take part in class from wherever they are recovering.

Anyone who has had a long term illness knows that recovering at home can be lonely. This can be especially true of children. They may feel left out. Now these children may have a high-tech friend to feel less alone. And that friend is a robot. The robot is called AV1. AV1 goes to school for a child who is at home while recovering from a long-term illness. And the child’s school friends must help. They carry the robot between classes and place the robot on the child’s desk.

A Norwegian company called No isolation created the robot. The co-founders of No Isolation are Karen Dolva and Marius Aabel. Dolva explains how the robot AV1 works. She says, from home, the child uses a tablet or phone to start the robot. Then they use the same device(设备)to control the robot’s movements. At school, the robot becomes the eyes, ears and voice of the child. The child can take part in classroom activities from wherever she/he is recovering-whether at home or from a hospital bed. The robot is equipped with speakers, microphones and cameras make communicating easy.

9. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “isolated”?

A. to be difficult to deal with    B. to be away from

C. to be unhappy or feel sorrow    D. to be hopeful

10. What can we know about AV1?

A. It can go to school on its own.    B. It is small and looks like a kid.

C. It can replace children to attend classes.    D. It was created by Dolva and Aabel.

11. How are the movements of AV1 controlled?

A. By using a tablet or phone.    B. By joining in classroom activities.

C. Through a small speaker.    D. Through a small camera.



9. C 10. C 11. A





细节理解题。根据第二段中的AV1 goes to school for a child who is at home while recovering from a long-term illness.可知,机器人代替孩子去上学,故选C


细节理解题。根据第三段中的Dolva explains how the robot AV1 works. She says, from home, the child uses a tablet or phone to start the robot.可知,孩子用平板电脑或电话来启动机器人故选A


The possibility of self-driving robot cars has often seemed like a futurist’s dream, years away from coming into reality in the real world. Well, the future is apparently now. The California Department of Motor Vehicles began giving permits in April for companies to test truly self-driving cars on public roads. The state also cleared the way for companies to sell or rent out self-driving cars, and for companies to operate driverless taxi services. California, it should be noted, isn't leading the way here. Companies have been testing their cars in cities across the country. It's hard to predict when driverless cars will be everywhere on our roads. But however long it takes, the technology may change our transportation systems and our cities, for better or for worse, depending on how the transformation is managed.

While much of the debate so far has been focused on the safety of driverless cars, policymakers should be talking more about how self-driving cars can help reduce traffic jams, cut emissions(排放)and offer more convenient and affordable choices to move around. The arrival of driverless cars is a chance to make sure that those cars are environmentally friendly and more shared.

Do we want to copy or even worsen the traffic of today with driverless cars? Imagine a future where most adults own their self-driving cars. They accept long, slow journeys to and from work on crowded highways because they can work, entertain themselves or sleep on the ride. They take their driverless car to a date and set the empty car to circle the building to avoid paying for parking. Instead of walking a few blocks to pick up a child or the dry cleaning, they send the self-driving minibus. The convenience even leads fewer people to take public transport — an unwelcome side effect researchers have already found in ride-hailing(网约车)services. Policymakers should start thinking now about how to make sure the appearance of driverless cars doesn't worsen the transportation system we have today. The coming technological development presents a chance for cities and states to develop transportation systems designed to move more people, and more affordably. The car of the future is coming. We just have to plan for it.

12. What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A. Self-driving cars are not allowed in the real world.

B. Driverless taxies will be seen everywhere on the road in a short term.

C. California is not alone in testing driverless cars.

D. Self-driving technology will definitely benefit transportation system.

13. According to the author, policymakers should pay more attention to __________.

A. how driverless cars can help deal with transportation-related problems

B. how driverless cars can travel safely

C. how driverless cars can travel faster

D. how driverless cars can move more people

14. What is a possible side effect of self-driving cars?

A. Journeys to and from work become longer.

B. More and more people abandon public transportation.

C. There is no place to park them.

D. They may result in traffic jams.

15. What can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Preparing Cities for Robot Cars    B. Future Technology Underway

C. Transportation System in the Future    D. Robot Cars on the Road



12. C 13. A 14. B 15. A



推理判断题。根据第一段56California, it should be noted, isn't leading the way here. Companies have been testing their cars in cities across the country.可知加利福尼亚在测试无人驾驶方面并不占先机,美国很多地方都已经测试了这类新型的交通工具了。故C项正确。


细节理解题。根据文章倒数第三句The coming technological development presents a chance for cities and states to develop transportation systems designed to move more people, and more affordably.可知政策制定者应该要考虑到技术的进步可以让交通系统运输更多的人也更为便宜。这些都是无人驾驶技术帮助现在的交通系统的作用。故A项正确。


细节理解题。根据文章倒数第五句The convenience even leads fewer people to take public transport — an unwelcome side effect researchers have already found in ride-hailing services.可知无人驾驶汽车的便利让人们都不再乘坐公共交通工具了。故B项正确。




Some people make you feel comfortable when they are around. You spend an hour with them and feel as if you have known them half your life.___16___.

Here are several skills that good talkers have. If you follow the skills, they’ll help you put people at their ease, and make friends with them quickly.

First of all , good talkers ask questions.___17___.One well-known businesswoman says, “At business lunches, I always ask people what they did that morning. It’s a common question, but it will get things going.” From there you can move on to other matters—sometimes to really personal questions.___18___.Second, once good talkers have asked questions, they listen to the answers. This point seems clear, but it isn't. Your questions should have a point and help to tell what sort of person you are talking to. And to find out, you really have to listen carefully and attentively.

___19___ If someone sticks to one topic, you can take it as a fact that he's really interested in it. Real listening also means not just listening to words, but to tones of voice. If the voice sounds dull, then, it’s time for you to change the subject. Finally, good talkers know well how to deal with the occasion of parting. If you're saying goodbye, you may give him a firm handshake and say, “I’ve really enjoyed meeting you.”___20___. Let people know what you feel, and they may walk away feeling as if they’ve known you half their life.

A. Real listening at least means some things.

B.You can become a popular person.

C. Almost anyone, no matter how shy he is, will answer a question.

D. And how he answers will let you know how far you can go.

E. If you want to see that person again, don’t keep it a secret.

F. It’s polite to listen to others with a smile.

G. These people have something in common.



16. G 17. C 18. D 19. A 20. E






上一句 First of all , good talkers ask questions.擅长沟通的人会问问题,C选项无论一个人多么内向,都会回答问题,因而沟通就开始了,切题,故选C




根据下一句Real listening also means not just listening to words, but to tones of voice.可知,真正的倾听不仅仅是听话语,还要听懂语气,其中本句中alsoA选项切题,故选A





Recently I understood the true meaning of love. The ___21___ was Kane, my neighbor Joline’s two-year-old son.

Kane was born with a physical problem on his ___22___ . And I witnessed(目睹)the___23___  that Kane’s physical shortcomings had on his family. I also witnessed much more than that. I saw a ___24___  family that embraced(拥抱)this special child. A family that wouldn’t allow Kane to know he was___25___ . Joline had constructed a small cart手推车just a few inches off the floor for his son to ___26___ . Kane used his hands to move about, and the cart___27___  him to “go to” any place just as everyone else was able to do. Kane was not just a member of the family, but the___28___  of the family.

With a wide smile, it was easy to see that even at the age of two, Kane liked to ___29___  with people very much. With wisdom of an individual, this boy even ___30___ the most complex of human emotions. Later I came to ___31___ that this child was sent to help some of us who weren’t just getting what love was all about.

Kane demanded attention, ___32___ not because of his mobility(移动能力)challenges or other apparent shortcomings. In his mind, he had no___33___ or shortcomings. The___34___ was that he received attention because he was alive and real and had so much to offer.

Kane ___35___ me in a deep way. His ability to refuse to be different has ___36___ me. Kane was and is ___37___ lots of warm and powerful energy to me. From him and his family I learnt the ___38___: love surpasses(超越)all things. I can only imagine that as the parent of a child like Kane one might be filled with___39___. But I believe that having a child like Kane is actually a(n) ___40___. The parents of such special babies are angels too, just as the babies are.

21. A. problem    B. reason    C. matter    D. pressure

22. A. hands    B. eyes    C. legs    D. arms

23. A. effect    B. comment    C. demand    D. look

24. A. similar    B. wonderful    C. practical    D. fair

25. A. irregular    B. difficult    C. different    D. terrible

26. A. go ahead    B. speed up    C. turn out    D. get around

27. A. invited    B. allowed    C. advised    D. caused

28. A. symbol    B. signal    C. center    D. mark

29. A. communicate    B. compare    C. agree    D. compete

30. A. reminded    B. understood    C. discovered    D. trusted

31. A. recognize    B. experience    C. imagine    D. realize

32. A. and    B. or    C. but    D. as

33. A. challenges    B. expectations    C. promises    D. chances

34. A. goal    B. result    C. possibility    D. truth

35. A. touched    B. stopped    C. caught    D. kept

36. A. puzzled    B. shocked    C. amused    D. inspired

37. A. even    B. yet    C. still    D. almost

38. A. lesson    B. subject    C. notice    D. skill

39. A. excitement    B. determination    C. anger    D. anxiety

40. A. ability    B. advantage    C. problem    D. exception



21. B 22. C 23. A 24. B 25. C 26. D 27. B 28. C 29. A 30. B 31. D 32. C 33. A 34. D 35. A 36. D 37. C 38. A 39. D 40. B



B 考查名词。最近我理解了爱的意义。理由是。A. Problem问题;B. Reason理由;C. Matter问题;D. Pressure压力。故选B


C 考查名词。从下文的:Using his hands to move about, 可知Kane天生的腿有毛病。A. Hands手;B. Eyes眼睛;C. Legs腿;D. Arms手臂。故选C


A 考查名词。Have an effect on sth 固定词组,对有影响。A. effect 影响;B. Comment评价;C. Demand要求;D. Look看。故选A


B 考查形容词。家长拥抱这个特殊的孩子,可推理前面应该填一个褒义词。A. Similar相似的;B. Wonderful很棒的;C. Practical实践的;D. Fair公平的。故选B


C 考查形容词。作者见到一个了不起的家庭拥抱这个特殊的孩子,一个不愿意让孩子知道他是不同的家庭。A. Irregular不规律;B. Difficult困难的;C. Different不同 D. Terrible糟糕的。故选C


D 考查动词短语。给他儿子造了一个车子让他逛。A. go ahead去前面;B. speed up加速;C. turn out出现;D. get around闲逛。故选D


B 考查动词。车子允许他去任何地方。A. Invited邀请;B. Allowed允许;C. Advised建议;D. Caused造成。故选B


C 考查名词。Kane不仅仅是一个家庭成员,他是这个家庭的中心。A. Symbol标志;B. Signal信号;C. Center中心;D. Mark标志。故选C


A 考查动词。Kane两岁的时候还很喜欢与人交流。A. Communicate交流;B. Compare比较;C. Agree同意;D. Compete竞争。故选A


B考查动词。这个男孩子甚至理解了人们的复杂情感。A. Reminded提醒 B. Understood理解;C. Discovered发现 D. Trusted信任。故选B


D考查动词。后来我逐渐意识到上帝派这个孩子来帮助我们中的一些不知道爱是什么的人。A. recognize认出;B. experience体验;C.imagine想象;D. realize意识到。故选D




A考查名词。前面已经提到了challenges or other apparent shortcomings。故选A


D考查名词。事实是因为他或者真实存在而得到了大家的注意。A. Goal目标;B. Result结果;C. Possibility可能性;D. Truth事实。故选D


A 考查动词。Kane深深的触动了我。A. Touched触动 B. Stopped停止;C. Caught抓;D. Kept保持。故选A


D 考查动词。他拒绝不同的能力激励了我。A. Puzzled困惑;B. shocked 震惊;C. Amused搞笑;D. Inspired激励。故选D


C 考查连词。Kane过去是,现在仍然是。A. Even甚至;B. Yet但;C. Still仍然;D. Almost几乎不。故选C


A 考查名词。冒号后面的内容:Love surpasses all things.是作者要讲的道理。A. Lesson道理;B. subject 主题;C. Notice便条;D. Skill技能。故选A


D 考查名词。我能想象到,有像kane这样的孩子的家长内心肯定也充满了焦虑。A. Excitement激动;B. Determination决心;C. Anger生气;D. Anxiety焦虑。故选D


B 考查名词。但是我相信,有这样的孩子也是一个优势。A. Ability能力 B.Advantage优势;C. Problem问题 D. Exception除了。故选B




1. 掌握几种逻辑关系词


2. 准确把握逻辑关系

考生在做题过程中需要留意上下文,正确把握上下文之间的逻辑关系。逻辑关系涉及时间、条件、原因、转折等几个方面。正确理解文章的内容并把握逻辑关系有助于考生准确地解答试题。I saw a family that embraced (拥抱) this special child. A family that wouldn’t allow Kane to know he was . Joline had constructed a small cart just a few inches off the floor for his son to . Kane used his hands to move about, and the cart him to “go to” any place just as everyone else was able to do. Kane was not just a member of the family, but the of the family.由后文的拥抱这个特殊的孩子推测这是一个很棒的家庭,故选B;这个家庭很棒,自然不会让孩子知道他与别人的不同之处,故选C;还专门给他造了个小车子让他到处逛逛,故选D;这个车子能让kane去任何地方,故选B;这样一个特殊的孩子,父母不但没有放弃他,反而对他很好,可知这个孩子是家里的中心,故选C

3. 仔细体会作者的思想情感

在解题过程中,考生要仔细体会作者所要表达的思想情感,不能按自己的想法去揣测文章中人物的心理活动。比如第5960题,I can only imagine that as the parent of a child like Kane one might be filled with 59 . But I believe that having a child like Kane is actually a(n) . The parents of such special babies are angles too, just as the babies are.作者的内心也有着两种感情,首先他理解这样特殊的家庭下家长内心肯定很焦虑,故选D,但同时这样的家庭也有优势,他们就像天使一样,故选B



What might life be like if you looked very different from others? Most of us are lucky to be born with “normal” faces.___41___, the movie Wonder shows us that there is no such thing as being normal and that beauty is more than skin-deep.

____42____(base) on a bestselling novel, the movie is about a boy named Auggie. He has a facial deformity (畸形) and has spent most of his life being home schooled. But as he enters middle school, his parents decide to send him to a private school. There, Auggie must deal with judgmental classmates and learn to accept___43___(he) as he is.

In the US, most kids____44____(teach) that it is OK to be different. Most people in the US celebrate being unique.

But some kids have difficulty____45____(accept) uniqueness. It’s easy to pick on someone who’s different,____46____(especial) if you have your own problems to deal with. This is another___47___(center) theme from the movie—even the kids___48___pick on Auggie have their own personal struggles.

As Auggie’s classmates get to know him better, they come to find that he’s a nice kid____49____a great sense of humor. They start to change their attitude toward him. In real life, it may take longer to see such changes happen. But if we give people_____50_____chance, their hearts and minds may change in the end.



41. However 42. Based 43. himself 44. are taught 45. accepting 46. especially 47. central 48. who/that 49. with 50. a




考查副词。句意:然而,电影《奇迹男孩》告诉我们,没有正常这种事,而且美不仅仅是肤浅的。根据上文Most of us are lucky to be born with ‘normal’ faces.和下文the movie Wonder shows us that there is no such thing as being normal and that beauty is more than skin-deep.可知,这里前后为转折关系, 故填However


考查非谓语动词。句意:根据一本畅销小说,这部电影是关于一个叫Auggie的男孩的。be based on固定短语,……为基础,在句中作状语,因此用过去分词, 故填Based




考查时态语态。句意:在美国,大多数孩子都被教导要与众不同。根据上下文可知,用一般现在时,主语most kids是复数,并且与teach之间为被动关系,故用被动。故填are taught


考查非谓语动词。句意:但有些孩子很难接受独特性。have difficulty (in) doing sth.固定短语,做某事有困难,因此用动名词形式,故填accepting






考查定语从句。句意:即使选择奥吉的孩子也有自己的个人奋斗。pick on Auggie have their own personal struggles.是限制性定语从句,修饰先行词为the kids,在从句中作主语,故填who/that











注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

My summer travel started terribly. I was at the Shanghai Railway Station buy a Ticket to Hangzhou. I was going to visit a friend here and after that I would go to Xiamen for long holiday. I bought my ticket but turned around to pick up my bag from the floor and then I realized that someone had stolen it. Luckily I had all my money on my pocket, but the only clothes I had was those I had on. It felt very strange to travel without any luggages. When I finally arrived at my friend, he lent to me lots of clothes. I feel very happy that I could change my clothes at last.



【详解】1.buy改为buying 本句指的动词buy与主语I构成主动关系,故使用现在分词buying在句中作状语。故把buy改为buying

2.here改为there 这里的there指上句提及的Hangzhou,去看望那里的朋友。故把here改为there

3.for后面加a 本句中的名词holiday是一个可数名词,指很长时间的一个假期。故在for后面加a

4.but改为and 上下文之间是并列关系,我买了票然后转身拿包。不存在转折的关系,而是递进的并列关系,故把but改为and

5.on改为in 固定搭配在口袋里”in the pocket。故把on改为in

6.was改为were 本句的主语是the only clothes,该结构做主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。故把was改为were

7.luggages改为luggage 名词luggage是一个不可数名词,没有复数形式。故把luggages改为luggage

8.friend改为friend’s 固定搭配at my friend’s在朋友家里。故把friend改为friend’s

9.去掉to 动词lend后面要接双宾语lend sb sth="lend" sth to sb把某物借给某人。故去掉to

10.feel改为felt 本文讲述的是过去发生的事情,故使用一般过去时即可。故把feel改为felt










参考词汇:social activities社交活动

Dear Tim,

I’m glad to receive your letter.




Best regards.

Li Hua



Dear Tim,

l'm glad to receive your letter. It's a pleasure for me to tell you something about the coming winter vacation.

This vacation will start on January 15, lasting about 40 days. Various activities are waiting for the students. First of all, we will take up some exercise, such as running and playing basketball, to keep us physically strong. Of course, we'll do some reading and see some well-known English films for fun, and for knowledge as well. As second-year senior students we have to prepare ourselves for the college entrance examinations that is only a year away. In other words,we must find time to study, too. If possible,we'll take part in some social activities so that we can know more about the society.

As for me, l'II spend some time staying with my parents, chatting with them and doing some housework because they've done so much for me.

What about yours?

Best regards.

Li Hua




第二步:根据关键要点,确定关键词,如:winter vacation(寒假),take up some exercise(开始锻炼),the college entrance examinations(高考)等。


